The Bible is accused sometimes as being racist. So just to quickly clear this issue up using text from the Bible itself, what does the Bible actually say about ancestors – i.e the thing that may or may not show us wether it really is or sin’t racist. God says in The Bible says;
“avoid genealogies”
…and goes on to suggest at all costs, and that circumcision (a symbolic action in old times) is really of the heart and spirit, not of the flesh that makes one a Jew in God’s eyes – meaning – the thing that makes you a child of God is a spiritual circumcision – and again – why should it be any other way. So in the Bible, it doesn’t matter where your ancestors are from – and of course – why should it!
So what is really racist?
Anyone, any ideology or any religion that bangs on about lineage, bloodlines or genealogies ‘cleansing’ or ‘saving’ us. Why? Because no one single person on the planet is ‘ethnically’ pure and no one should be saved because of who their parents were! It was about the heart in the Old Testament and it’s about the heart in the New Testament!
In fact the word ‘ethnicity’ almost becomes totally meaningless in real terms with all the intermarrying that goes on and has gone on for 1000s years and it always has been meaningless. And of course this, explains why some religions ideologies still obsess about not intermarrying and being the ‘true’ ‘defendants’ when it is futile from the get-go! No one is purely white, african, asian and so on.
There may be one exception to all this; the Bible could be accused of being spiritually ‘racist’ if all must in fact go through Christ to get to God, but that’s another article and of course I would not call this racist but the truth as that would be calling God racist which I would never do, and God wills that ALL men and ALL tribes to be saved and that’s what the entire gospel is all about – dying for and saving all – “the whole world.”
The Bible was right: We are ALL of one blood!
Another point is that the Jews well admit that they long ago lost the genealogies of the twelve tribes and to them this is now meaningless. You cannot tell from your genealogy whether your granddad was a liar – or a thief or an adulterer or murderer. Hence, Jesus tells us with perfect logicality; AVOID genealogies!
“For there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
How non-racist can one be?!!
The following video does not represent my views on replacement theology one way of the other (I am still understanding and getting to grips with what I believe on that) however, even as a child and non-Christian, I could see that ‘ethnicity’ on a government form was pretty meaningless since my ancestors would be mixed like everyone else on the planet – so at best might describe my appearance.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: