Where can I go to get a free loan, that I can then tootle off and spend on anything I want from investing in the stock market to loaning out my free loan at interest to someone else? What can I do to get this free loan and – get the person or entity that is giving me the free loan, to pay me extra interest on top of that, for doing nothing more than editing a few electronic digits on a computer server somewhere in my basement? The answer? I should become a bank!
Have you ever thought how ludicrous it is that we little people can’t get a loan from a bank without huge exorbitant interest rates(frankly extortion), yet we – the poor people, gives the bank a free loan with every penny (or to be precise – every digital number) we add to their vault (nothing more than a vulnerable database in reality) that they can then go and invest in any number of enterprises to double and triple their money? Can you imagine if the tables were turned and they loaned us money interest free and even paid us a little interest on top that we could go and invest in what we liked? This of course, would obviously never happen in a million years!
Not only that, they charge US for the free loan we have already given them! The worst thing is, that when you give a bank their free loan by depositing your money into their virtual non-existent ‘vault’ (remembering all the while they are just dodgy digits on their dodgy server), and you dare to spend that loan (it’s your money after all) and go over that amount by 1 cent, you will be billed $50!!?? How did things ever get so backwards?
What is Mammon?
Mammon is not as some translations say ‘money’ itself. It’s meaning is actually something a bit deeper. Mammon is more that money – it’s an evil spiritual power that grips and enslaves men through money. It is out attitude to money that God is interested in, and Jesus rightly says; “you cannot serve God and Mammon” – not God or money but God or Mammon! Money is mentioned all throughout the Bible and a HUGE part of the commands are related to the handling of money. Money is not evil, but serving money is what mammon is.
It’s not money that’s the scourge of the earth – it’s the leaders of the banks and their love money more than they love God that really are the corrupters of the earth. Pretty much all evil can be traced back to the LOVE of money (not money itself), and I for one cannot wait till money as we know it, and especially banks as we know them are abolished forever in God’s kingdom (where I doubt we will have or need either), and we can freely give and receive our goods and our services from our brothers and sisters without having to extort money from one another – to be fair at least. Meanwhile we now have no option but to use their ‘system’ to move money and make transactions, as the powers that be herd us ever more towards the cashless system described in The Bible (because buying and selling will ultimately depend on accepting a ‘mark’ – whatever form it comes in, making ‘money’ irrelevant) and cash and essentially our worldly freedom (as cash allows us the people to decide how and what we use to put food in our mouths) is finally abolished. If only they realised that the cashless prison monster they are so kindly building for us all, will eventually turn on it’s maker!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)