I have noticed over the years that some of us Christians pray to God – others pray to Jesus – other pray to both. Why is that? Is it because we have not taken the time to realise that there might be a difference? Maybe – but in any case, because I believe Jesus was God incarnate – I don’t think in the grand scheme of things it is that important to our salvation to differentiate between God and Jesus – however – lots of small inconsistencies can lead to a general confusion (to us, other Christians learning/observing us and especially with unbelievers it is good to be consistent) and in the end undermine our faith as things don’t ‘hang’ or stick together coherently which they almost always do if you can get to the bottom of an issue. So I started thinking about this as I was another person who would one day pray to Jesus, and another pray to God etc – not really knowing if there was a difference.
I’m not going to try and give a ‘definitive’ answer as the Bible should do that. But I want to discuss my understanding of it. The first thing I looked at was how Jesus prayed and how he taught us to pray. First HE prayed to his father in heaven. Now we know that Jesus was God in perfect human form so why then don’t we just then pray to Jesus? I don’t think he would be upset with us for doing this as he says he says he intercedes on our behalf. But what did he say we should do? Surely he wouldn’t lie or get this wrong?
As we all know Jesus prayed to his father. But if he was God why did he bother praying at all?.. a daft question – not really as he was God. Well he was God as he was fully possessed by God’s Holy Spirit and therefore God on earth. Yet he was fully human – a man – and it was the ‘man’ side of Jesus that like us was required by the father to pray to his father and ask the father – and he told us – also men and women also to pray; “Our Father..” But Jesus also taught us to “ask in my name and it shall be given.” Why would he do that?
One answer I considered might be that because we live in the word of a million ‘Gods’ – he therefore said when we ask God for something, to ask it in his name (I assume to differentiate between the real God that came to earth – the god of the bible – and not the five million other ‘Gods’ that people worship.
Last – another thing I wasn’t sure about for some time after I became a Christian which may be helpful to new Christians is: why pray at all if God knows our needs, thoughts and the beginning from the end? I assume the answer to that is because God wants us to take part in the salvation and healing of mankind ourselves on earth – he gives us the privilege of interceding for others and ourselves and seeing direct results – and as a result groing in faith – if we seek his will when we pray (not necessarily our desires) pray according to his will. Any thoughts welcome. God bless you all.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)