Social networks sites and services that are socially aware
We all know the pretenders and virtue singnalers of Silly-con Valley would have the world belive they are the true socially aware networking sites – the great arbiters of truth, the dispensers or all wisdom and examples of good morals – now back to reality; where are the genuinely social aware and uptanding and morally that don’t sensor anything that is left-leaning, advancing the cause of socialism and the new worldwide wave of marxism that is leading to a one world governmnet? In other words; are the genuinley socially aware social networks that exist today? I think there are – and we’ve found a few below..
Best Socially Aware Social Networking Sites
Budiz socially aware social network – a friendship networking service with a social conscience – designed from the ground up to help the poor, support needs and causes, supporting organisations that help, care and look after the needy with profits going to people that need them. Budz is the top socially aware social networking site that wants to focus on humanitarian aid, charity and cause relief work as part of its services by allowing you to donate direct to charities or via our products and services.
Budibank is a social banking network with a social conscience and awareness – designed to help you find a bank with a scially aware conscence. Finding a reliable, safe and ethical bank is a nightmare with todays financial crisis but you will find some of the top coop banking, socially aware social networks and social banks online are listed on this website!
“It is only through a deeper understanding of our “light” and our “might” that we seize the opportunity to embark upon any FREEDOM FLIGHT!”
Looking for social networks that are socially aware? The SRN provides free resources, technical assistance, legislative information, and facilitates networking and communication amongst community based organization to enhance the work that they are doing in the community and provide tools to increase their organizational effectiveness.
Socially Aware Business Networking Site. Socially Responsible Business Development Network is a multistakeholder forum initiated by Action Aid Nepal. On October 18, 2004. Environmental Camps for Conservation and Awareness (ECCA), a Professional Volunteer Organization is backstopping SRBDN forum since January 2008. The forum involves members from different sectors such as private, government, INGOs, NGOs and academicians in Nepal. The vision of SRBDN is to make businesses aware and adopt socially responsible practices for social justice, human rights and sustainable development in Nepal. The main aim of SRBDN is to create awareness and share experiences on Corporate Social Responsibility in Nepal. In future SRBDN plans to carry more activities on CSR through talk programs and publications.
Newnetwork socially engaged social networking.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: