Look, it may turn out to be true, but even as a kid I laughed in 1979 when I first heard the theory of evolution at school. Not least because the teacher – bless him was trying to tell us we all came from apes, and yet apes are still with us having clearly not changed one jot or tittle. All right, so there are branches to evolution, but come on… we have changed unrecognisably from apes but the other apes didn’t? Well perhaps.
But seriously, I realised then as an eight year old with almost zero knowledge of science, and just a little experience of human nature that this theory of ‘evolution’ had come about for other reasons than because it was necessarily true or provable. The real reason the idea that we all came from other species had come about was in fact because it was the only possible option for someone to believe if one does not believe in the creation account.
All right – so now they are telling us we might be from extra-terrestrial sources – and more recently because they have ‘discovered’ there is not enough time in the cosmos for evolution to have occurred, we must have come from other multiple universes that have been around longer – it goes on and on – just so long as we don’t have to accept God made things and we are accountable to Him.
But it’s not just those things that bug me. With thousands and thousands, and in fact millions of fossils having been uncovered, wouldn’t you expect just a few of them to show signs of having evolved from being half one creature and half another, as would be needed to substantiate evolution? Just a few fossils that were clearly somewhere in between species is all we are asking for out of all that have been found?
They say they have one or two examples, but that fact they have found one of two alone shows it’s all baloney. Why?.. because there would be dozens at least, and hundreds to be more realistic, and the fact that there is virtually none out of millions of fossils uncovered, from a numbers game alone proves they are barking up the wrong tree, and that what they are in fact looking at is a fully formed species – just one they haven’t seen before. The problem with evolution boils down to this; if God created everything then we are accountable to him. Therefore we must go against all the usual scientific study norms and stop at nothing to make this theory a true one.
But how do we really know evolution is not true? As one scientist puts it; “Give me some living organic matter already containing all the fully formed amino acids necessary for life and place that matter in just the right scientific solution, temperature and environment for it to adapt to it’s environment and for evolution to occur and what happens? Nothing. No amoeba, tadpole, or fully formed frog will ever crawl out of that jar.”
And God said; “It is finished.”

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)