End Times

Don’t Put Your Faith In Cryptos or Gold

The folks on the web are partly right when they say this. But they are wrong to say we can avoid all things relating to the beast system – because it’s impossible for one – and two we are already in it – in our work (there is no clean form of business of commerce – it’s all tainted like all people and all churches). But in the main – yes we must work to reform ourselves and the world and come out of her.

But – in IMHO it is OK to buy a bit of Gold – or a few cryptos so you have something to spend when they have abolished all cash – coming soon. You already have cash right?.. and I promise that was not Jesus invention. Having said that – DON’T make gold or cryptos your salvation or believe it will save you when the stuff really hits the fan. The Bible expressly says that gold and silver will be trash in the end of end days. Please feel free to correct me – and I mean that as I see through a glass darkly I’ll be the first to admit. In between time though – we have a chance to carry on living and serving others.

I believe as the bible indicates, we should be practical and give ourselves some time to get organised and do things that perhaps give us time to get off-grid should things go belly up for Christians which at some point they inevitably will. Hopefully we’ll all he airlifted out – but I don’t personally subscribe to that doctrine – taking Jesus’ experience on the cross, and endless messages on the absolute necessity for us to suffer for the truth – and promise of it – if nothing else as a witness to others for their salvation, and him commanding us to pick up our crosses.

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