Thought for The Day

Right or Wrong – The Doctrine of The Trinity is Quite Simple

If you were God in another dimension – outside of space/time continuum, and you had a planet and people that you needed to interact with and one that knew before you created them with free will to do as they please they would ultimately need saving from themselves and their own sin, you would need a) a means to communicate with them when you were not in their dimension and show them the error of their ways – preferably each time they do something wrong, and b) a means to enter humanity on their level to prove that you were not just a tyrannical ‘do as I say’ God – but a righteous – ‘do as I do’ God.

So this would leave you… well – 1 option. You would need some kind of unseen means to communicate to fulfil the first a) – to convict them of their sin and lead them into what is right – enter the wind – God’s Holy Spirit coming down to the earthly realm. Then once these beings had been shown unequivocally that they are incapable of being good for any length of time and need more than just the 10 commandments to be saved from themselves – enter Jesus – God’s spirit clothed in human flesh, to be with us, on our level, in our joys and in our sorrows.

It actually makes a lot of sense

Ignore for a minute that many say that the Catholic church ‘manufactured’ this doctrine to describe how God is working with us spanning the unseen to the seen world with His spirit, and that the word ‘trinity’ never appears in the Bible – that doesn’t really matter in my view.

The question is, now that we know the doctrine does actually make a lot of sense based on what the Bible says about God being spirit – it that really what God is doing to span the gap between us and Him?.. i.e is it really one God, choosing to manifest himself in 3 different ways? It would appear that in fact this might be the ONLY way to accomplish the saving of mankind from another realm (that any real God must reside in) but I will leave this up to you to research and decide. As always – I could be wrong and the Unitarians and others could be right, and the bible says; “let each man be convinced in his own mind.”

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