An Internet video has been going viral around the web that claims to show the real reality of migration from Syria. We certainly don’t see any of this on the standard news TV stations so either it is a collection of videos strung together made to look like something they are not – or they are in fact what the video claims them to be, a scary indication that things have got out of control.
By accident or design?
We all know that bad politicians have always used one situation to manipulate another – it’s a method that’s as old as the hills – pitting one group or nation against another, or one situation against another to precipitate a desired political or social outcome. It goes on in the financial markets too to manipulate markets and create profits that would otherwise not be made. And we all have heard the stories of banks financing both sides of wars to profit from the sale of arms and gain power in the process.
So many people say is the situation with migration, it being used as a tool to manipulate the minds of those who are not aware of the way politicians – especially those keen to implement a single world order – work, and the chaos is being used to cause the people to demand that the governments take and weald more power to control that chaos – powers that in time of order, no government would be ever be allowed by any people knowledgable of history.
And so, we have the conspiracy theorists on one side that will tell you this is all by design – i.e a war created by corrupt governments in order to create chaos and the borders throughout the rest of the world, as in Europe and America are purposely being left open in order to usher in a single world government by using chaos to cause the people to cry out to the governments to issue ID cards for all and ask then to take total control by a single governing entity – something that could never be implemented by force since the people would never accept it. And let’s not forget the Bible tells us; “and he caused all (note – not forced)…” in Revelation giving this theory serious credibility along side the fact that all governments let alone corrupt ones have always sought to find ways to legally number their citizens as in the UK for instance where we have all had NI numbers for decades.
The other side will say this is simply the result of another random war and that we must simply open all borders and let everyone and anyone in so they can escape the tyranny into their homelands. Both could be true – but only one is true, and my concern is that if it is the former (and such conspiracies have happened over and over throughout history as The Bible tells us powerful men are constantly conspiring) we have been asleep too long and will have no way to reverse the problem.
You decide
As ever, I will not tell you what I think, as I could be wrong and you must do your own research regarding what’s really happening with the refugee crisis. You decide if this video is something we should really be worried about.
You may also want to watch this…
Bill Still, an incredibly well-respected oracle on money, it’s creation and the real answers to the world’s financial ‘issues’ has an insightful video below regarding the immigration we are seeing. Again – I have no knowledge of wether what he is reporting is true and only know that everything this guy puts out appears to be well researched, honest and unbiased. If it is true, it is concerning.
We must also remember while we watch or read anything related to the peoples of the Middle East and label them as simply ‘bad’ people – most in the Middle East are not even allowed to read the Bible often on pain of death, so have been exposed to nothing else than their state religion and have NEVER heard the Gospel – something we are privileged in the West to be able to read and study along with any other religion we care to study, and yet many of us are not bothering to. They know nothing but that we Westerners are hedonistic and ungodly which to a large extent is true! This is not to excuse bad behaviour but to put where these people are coming from in context. God is gracious to us so we must extend grace wherever possible to others – but never blindly – we must learn about their background and faith (by reading their holy books) in order to fully understand the situation.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: