Many women are always ashamed to ask for their man money or something they need, always ashamed. They would rather sort out their problems or look out for assistance elsewhere than going to him to ask for help, Even when their know he has the capability to handle it, they just don’t feel okay about asking especially for woman with an independently ” l should take care of myself” attitude. And the challenge is not lack of courage or pride, the problem is that they feel responsible for themselves, and more than that, they feel worried that you might feel burdened or buggy.
The nearest thing they try to do is get assistance somewhere else even when those optional sources are the most unlikely to be helpful she will still prefer to take that chance tan ask you for anything.
Sister expects you to find out that something is not okay, read her body language and mood swings, read in between the lines for her silence, but when you ask her ” how are you?, ” Have you eaten something”, and that’s all you do, you don’t go beyond that point.
Listen Brother, as a man there is just no way you can be comfortable that your partner is not asking for any assistance, there is just no way you can be at peace with your mind and soul, it should hurt you soul. You are working and earning a salary but you have not bought her anything, it’s that terrible sincerely, even if your saving to buy buy world bank, 2 month is enough to stop by the store and get her nice pair if shoes or a dress, fancy T-shirt because just the little things we do, turn out to be big in a greater way possible.
Save yourself embarrassment, don’t wait for her to come asking you for small things just as grown up women always feel ashamed to ask, grown up men feel ashamed when their partner come asking for assistance and some common little things they may need, they just use their common sense to know that my man is responsible for somebody according to his capabilities. Grown Brother’s ask what she might need, they don’t wait to be asked. So is this is you brother humbly begin by utilising your common sense, begin by showing some concern with questions like;
“Honey, l have a free budget for July, is there anything you might need that you need me to make a budget for?”
” My love, l know you want money for your project, l will take care of your tithe for this month so you save that 10% to what you have , okay?
” My sunshine, l told your friend that makes female bags to make one for you, l already paid, just let her know the design you like”
Sometimes just send her some money and ask her to keep it for you, we all know she will understand what your trying to do.
Many of us are so clam over the fact that she works and can take care of herself, yes she can but even as the CEO of world Bank, she is also a woman and as a woman she has needs that only a man can satisfy.
This small things are foundation blocks of a healthy marriage or relationship. Most men don’t even have account details of their spouses and they have been in a marriage for 2 years. Some cannot remember the last time they bought a gift for their partner. It’s that horrible. So love as simple as it might seem to you is not free, it comes with a price of responsibility.
I know many sister’s are not appreciative at all, some are never contented of their man’s effort and care, most women are like Oliver Twist, always asking for more and pushing their men to take care of them at the expense of himself and his family. It’s all sad and l feel for such Brother’s who no matter what they do for their wives, they don’t feel satisfied with his efforts.
Sister please learn to be content, his ability to provide doesn’t mean you should depend on him for your every need, there is one person who accommodates every so how need of yours and more and this is Jesus. Everyone else is dependent on his grace as well as working hard. Work hard too.
And dear Brother, if you are with a unsatisfied and unappreciative woman it is because you let your heart and emotions guide you into a relationship and not the Holy Spirit, learn to walk with God, learn to out God first above all desires and passion, let God be your LOOK before Leap. His leading is always the best.
So get this right, love is not free, price is responsibility.
Bless you.
I’m 25 years of age and live in Kampala – Uganda.
I’m a qualified communication strategist, freelance writer, volleyball and handball player. Friendly and honest person and l value and respect others, but above all l love God.