This following video talks about the New Jerusalem that comes out of heaven as a bride. It tells us that the streets will actually be white (I’ll let the video explain this) and that what is rare here on earth will be the common building materials in the new city. Jewels and precious stones here will be common place there and only very special materials – mentioned in Revelation will actually be used for the adornments.
A new light – literally!
Watch this incredible video to learn how we can know that The Bible, written down by men, is the word of God as He inspired their thoughts and their editing of the cannon. I like to call God the great editor in the sky!
David Pawson – a real giant amongst many of today’s smooth-talking wolves. Be sure to look up as many of his teaching videos you can if you are serious about learning more about God and His coming kingdom. Do not be put off by his meak and mild manner or some of the ‘old-style’ video editing and music etc – all irrelevant in the eyes of God who is the same yesterday today and forever!
The stones that will adorn New Jerusalem

Stones of the new city of Jerusalem mentioned in The Bible, that when exposed to pure light give out incredible light patterns that todays expensive ‘precious’ stones could not even hope to produce; Jasper, Sapphire, Chalcedony, Emerald, Sardonyx, Sardius, Chrysolite, Beryl, Topaz, Chrysoprasus, Jacinth and Amethyst.
The stones on the right are the ones mentioned in the Bible and they actually have incredible, almost unbelievable super-powers and physical properties when exposed to pure light and David explains how the writer of Revelation clearly knew what was impossible for any man in the day it was written to know about these properties.
As Christians who have read the entire Bible from start to finish, we can clearly see how the way it perfectly fits together, even though it was written by many men from different parts of the world at different times in history is indeed miraculous.
Yes The Bible was written by men! For sure – God would have it no other way to display the fact that only He could inspire so many different and separated writers (in time and distance) and men of God to concur when recording history and when writing about His nature.
But this, is a discovery that trumps them all – is really is hard proof that God really does know the beginning from the end – and not only that – He put it in the minds of often reluctant men under severe persecution who recorded these facts and details about the new city ahead of time!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: