Did I mean to say that? I’m not sure I did reading the article at the bottom of this page which inspired my article. Of course mentally unstable people should never smoke it… but the rest of us who are all perfect and sinless? – it’s fine of course say many in government and in high flying positions of authority.
Pain relief yes. And depression, mood swings, aggressive behaviour, loss of friends and family, memory loss… did I say that already?
*OK – now to be serious for a minute unlike these ex-hippie liberal politicians and wanna-be (who knows why?) ‘modern’ hippies. I know at least one – once incredibly intelligent, normal person whos brain and personality has been completely fried whilst smoking this and then – later moving onto other worse stronger more dangerous drugs. Now the poor chap’s brain is quite irretrievable outside God’s healing intervention.
Just like it was a great idea to increase UK alcohol selling hours to reduce crime (NOT)
What are these law-makers on? Any child could tell you that if you give people more opportunity to buy alcohol, they will a) drink more and b) (rather incredibly) get more drunk and c) even more incredibly – this will lead to more crime. Sometimes I do wonder if these people make up these silly laws to ensure they stay in a job. A bit like the ten commandments. Don’t whatever you do put them in courthouses or teach our kids not to steal – then we judges and lawyers won’t have highly paid jobs, complex cases and difficult legal documents to read and charge the earth to decipher. Did you know that the Bible never ever prescribes prison as a means to deal with criminals and reduce crime? Don’t believe it? Please research this yourself.
Everyone knows one addictive thing leads to another STRONGER addictive thing (ahem… except some politicians and law-makers)
You be the judge of wether or not this mind altering and mood-tipping herbal drug marijuana is a good thing to legalise or is really safe – natural or not. Alcohol is a natural by-product of fermented fruit/sugar and look how that rots the brain, skin, liver and everything else in your body. And I didn’t say marijuana shouldn’t be made available in some form in some measured way to pain sufferers – it’s a natural pain killer after all and that’s a different debate/topic. Even the Bible prescribes a little alcohol to relief the suffering of a dying man – but never for recreational use! It clouds the mind and more importantly the judgement.
So now to the Yahoo article that inspired me to write the one you just read and give us all the proof we need to know without doubt that smoking weed is safe. Be prepared to see the real mind-altering effects of this so-called safe past-time. WARNING: Not for the faint hearted.
Man proves that actually it’s not safe to smoke weed >>

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)