The day I saw the global panic over the C o v i d 1 9 I said to a friend; none of us will see or hear of any cold or flu cases from here on. The reason I knew this?.. it was obvious. It would play wonderfully into the coffers of the vaccine and mask makers and it would also play a great part for the American left in serving to remove Trump by using an endless stream of damned if you do – damned if you don’t accusations to bash him.

Flu and colds no longer allowed.
At the same time many other groups would benefit from a complete and total global panic over the this ‘deadly to all’ virus – not least China who I was certain would be clinking glasses and must have known exactly how the snowflake Westerners would demand government ‘protection’ and loss of rights – a move further towards their way of governance.
As it turned out I was right – along with loads of others who predicted the same thing (I certainly only have common sense to go on and no brilliant mind to work with unlike the hi-IQ ‘experts’ or learned fools who keep making wrong decision after wrong decision).
But what I didn’t expect, was for the powers that shouldn’t be to announce that flu has been totally 100% eradicated. You’ve got to be kidding? But wait – had I given it a little more thought, that would have become an obvious turnout too. Why? Because you can’t very well have an entire population that knows of virtually no local cold or flu cases or within their friends or family circles (that is not to say they didn’t or aren’t occurring) for an entire year after having put every sniffle down to Covid – and NO explanation as to why flu and colds are seemingly no longer happening!
The advisors who told us that every flu-like infection case from the the point Covid happened was unquestionably a Covid case would look pretty dumb and disingenuous if it turned out many people had been wrongly diagnosed with plain flu that they’d said wasn’t – therefore the only solution is simply to say at the end of the year; oh guess what – all flu has miraculously vanished, as by that time us ordinary folk’s memories of the fact that no more colds or flu were reported very early in the Covid outbreak would all look very suspect.
I didn’t – and don’t believe this for a single moment that flu has been eradicated and I don’t think any kindergarten kid would either. This is simply a convenience. But as always – I’m open to be corrected – do send me evidence of how this could have happened the minute Covid appeared as I noticed no one around mentioned the usual colds and flus amongst friends and families.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: