Original Article June 2020
There is nothing new under the sun! The Bible foretold 2000 years ago all men will one day be given a number, and thereby in that sense be made ‘digital’ slaves in order to buy and sell – ie participate in society. St John knew darkness is bereft of creativity and all history would culminate with money being used to bribe men to serve darkness and eat and live – or serve God and light and suffer the consequences!
Update 2021 and warning for near future:
There is a lot of talk at the moment about ‘the possibility of vaccine passports – or – ‘ possibility of freedom passes’. Then we hear politicians saying; “we have no plans to..” – or – “we may looking into…” Make no mistake, we have known for 5+ decades and said it would happen the day Covid was announced – that Global digital ID was the end-goal – and therefore the Covid19 situation would NOT let up around the globe until every person on this planet is ‘chipped and tracked’ – or excluded and who knows what. Chipped in the sense of being tracked by what will eventually be mandatory digital ID to participate in life.
But why? Because humanistic atheists make up 90% of big-tech CEOs and employees (that effectively are now the world government) and their government official friends in ever increasingly lower places) best attempt at bringing ‘peace and prosperity’ to the world and eradicate crime and money laundering etc. The trouble is – one has to perpetrate the biggest crime humanity has ever seen to do it. In fact – if you are going to exclude God (one will need to be ‘licensed’ to worship Him in the near future – a watered down version of course) as they intend to do – being the quiet super-wealthy socialist neo-marxists/communists that most CEOs now are (yes I know – it’s a contradiction in terms but you’ll have to read our articles on modern philanthropy to understand this oxymoron) – then it really is the only answer for the world. Rather like Darwinism – one species turning into another – is the only option you are left with if you exclude special creation. Who said it was a clever theory?
Forget AI taking over – the globalists beat the bots to it!
The trouble is all this eradicating crime and poverty and disease comes at an infinitesimally large price – the price of freedom – ALL our freedom – forever. If you are not understanding this, think social scoring and China. It’s what’s described in the Bible verbatim. The technologies used to lock us down to the floorboards will be disparate, but tied together. For instance – once chip/device will take into account different body information like temperature, location or other bio-data – and can device be programmed to link to or accept other data – or another device that might be interfaced with it later. In other words – no ONE person or piece of technology or company will be solely responsible for this dire situation and tracking system rollout that is happening. It will happen as if it’s ‘organic’ – a natural progression.
But there is only one goal – the one laid out in the Bible. That no man might buy or sell without it. We are not there yet – but very shortly we will be. So Christians – decide NOW which side of the fence you are on – freedom or total lockdown. Then get your houses in order and prepare your hearts for trouble ahead.
Original Article
Published June 2020
Not realised by most, the world has been using digital ID and banking for many decades – we all have a social security ID and banks have used computers to move and store their digital dollars since the 60’s. Christians especially have been discussing what form the coming ‘final’ digital ID will take for 5+ decades (at least since the mid-late 60’s when credit cards were first issued, and for certain with the publishing of the best selling book – The Late Great Planet Earth) and a form if ID without which NO man (on the planet) can buy or sell (ANYTHING) for 2000 years since St John foresaw the tightening of the thumbscrews on Christ’s followers and the elimination of Christianity and the Bible – the salt that stops the rot in the earth – all coming down to – and only possible, by complete and total control of all money everywhere. The question has been – what form will it take? There have been no shortage suggestions!
But right now (really ramping up in 2016) there has been a no ending talk of all the slavery in history which in itself is no bad thing of course and a good thing if done right and for the right reasons (are folks aware there is such a thing as white slavery too – and that ‘slavery’ comes from the word ‘slav’ – these were white slaves? I doubt it).
But are most folks mindful of the fact that slavery has taken place from the moment mankind entered there world – from that moment he sought to find ways to enslave his brothers and sisters and minuse them and still does. Are we not all still slaves to someone? According to The Bible THE WHOLE WORLD is under the dominion of the evil one. That would make us all slaves would it not – all be it it with a pretence of being free.
But I for one am very sorry about all slavery our forefathers committed on all sides – especially on darker skinned peoples when we hear the terrible accounts of their treatment – and all children, men and women of other backgrounds that have been caught up in it too. Yet most can agree that man was born into slavery right?.. or at least as soon as the first man became more wealthy than his neighbour, the business of using him and other people – or what the bible calls ‘making merchandise of men‘ began – and it’s continued ever since.
The Bible rightly says the last shall be first and first last
There is nothing new under the sun. And it’s not stopped in all its forms to this day though takes on a more subtle disguise – if things go on becoming as corrupt as they are we will all be working for whoever is really in charge, be it corrupt government – or as is becoming more apparent the banks and now the tech companies who can swing opinion without us even knowing. The best we can do is accept the past and move forward and keep working make things better – and with folks like William Wilberforce and many others strides have been made but it’s never complete. Despite this there is now a constant call for white privileged Westerners to pay reparations and bend the knee to their black brothers and sisters. No problem – if folks choose to voice their contrition and sorrow for all that has happened in history this is fine.
Slavery on a scale never imagined
But imagine while all this is going on – the folks on all sides of this needed debate are completely unaware that EVERY ONE OF THEM – and I mean all of us – are about to become part of the biggest slave trading racket ever conceived, before time itself and foretold ahead of time thousands of years ago so that anyone willing to listen would not fall prey to? A scheme that has been in the making literally for ages, but that has accelerated exponentially in the last 20 years.
A inescapable digital prison will be sold as ‘Utopia’
What is this I am speaking of? You already likely heard of it – but if you are not a Christian – even if you are dismissed it as tin-foil stuff – yet it’s happening precisely as foretold and right under our noses, and the technology that has been the main stumbling block to it coming to fruition is almost complete and in place. It will happen by disparate technologies all coming together – not one crazy guy bent on microchipping the world – It’s beautiful – so during the run up, Peter can easily claim he doesn’t know what Paul is doing – and it will all just magically integrate together when the time comes. But we all know where it’s been heading and how it will end – it’s been the goal for decades. Aaron Russo among many who warned us 20 years ago. Arron was by no means the first to tell us – but here he says it plainly; “the ultimate goal is to…” wait for it… you guessed it!
This will make Western ‘reparations’ or knee-bending look futile
It won’t involve any physical pain (except those who refuse to go along with it according to the bible) – in fact it will probably be a delight to be part of as this new slavery that has the illusion of freedom (as China has now) will come will all kinds of incentives to take it up – and most people will. In fact they will love it as the benefits will include health and wealth and all the creature comforts being met as well as the means to buy and sell (eat and make a living) being incorporated into their very being – with even perhaps a free living wage thrown in to purchase even more goodies from this utopian store or stores.
Irony beyond belief in the current slavery reparations climate
But let not anyone from any of these imaginary ‘sides’ or ‘ethnicities’ (we are all of one blood right?) get complacent that white privileged folks and Westerners finally getting their just deserts. Even if this were needed – what is about to take place to all of us including those calling for reparations dwarfs anything the Black Lives Matter team could imagine in their wildest dreams – something despots have always dreamed of. Unless something drastic changes – and sold as the only means to eradicate poverty, war and suffering (and this is to some extent true for a world that has evicted God) everyone on the planet will soon be made a digital slave – with no ability to escape – ever. Now in the current climate of slavery reparations – that is ironic!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)