I must admit, even I was nervous at Trump’s micky-taking of the little rocket man – and I still think this was a bit daft, especially when you are dealing with leaders with such fragile and frankly massive egos as the world leaders we have. That said, his tough no-nonsense stance appears to have bourn fruit. Even if the North Korean dictator has not made the decision himself and been given his orders by China and Russia (unable to defeat the USA’s military might) his plan was clearly to stir up a hornets nest against the US and retain his god-like hold over the people by dragging the Russians and Chinese into his ego issues and give them all a migraine – and it worked. I mean let’s be clear – there is NO WAY that Kim Jong whatever his hame is would demilitarise of his own accord – never in a million years – none of them would.
Sorry – that really was fake news
But back to the headline – I suppose I better come clean and admit that no – Donald Trump will not be getting any accolades from The United Nations for sorting out the mess like a man, that should have been done years ago by Washington’s previous limp-wristed gravy-train swampsters. I just thought it would be nice to imagine them having to capitulate and admit that he has done at least couple of good things for America and the world – love him or hate him and his personal misdemeanours (which one of us would like any of our secrets made public and does not have things we would not like others to know?.. too late the tech giants already do – or soon will:)
Having the good fortune of not having your dirty laundry hung out for all to see does not make you morally superior
It always amuses me when I hear all these TV debates and back biting and sniping between politicians, which always takes me back to the playground at school – arguing and making accusations and pointing the finger, as if somehow the fact that the public does not yet know about all the skeletons in their closet – they are morally makes better than those they are accusing. The Bible clearly says that one day everything will have a light shone on it and be made public – and that should make everyone with an ounce of honesty wince. Call your brothers and sisters an idiot at your peril it also says – lest you yourself might be judged by God accordingly. I think FaceTwit has made fools and twits out of all of us and fairly decent turned men and women back into children before our eyes (far worse in fact – my childhood bullies were quite nice in comparison and probably did not know what they were doing) and drags anyone in that doesn’t want to be part of these petty, pathetic sites in wether they like it or not to defend themselves from the righteous nonsense that people post – supposing somehow they are upstanding. All man have fallen short the Bible says. And just because my secrets are not yet known by everyone and his mother, does not make me more moral than you or anyone else.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)