If you want to know the future – it looks like you should bookmark this page!
Disclaimer: forgive the terrible grammar on this article – I rattled it off in a few minutes and will edit when I can as I go! Also – we will not pretend that some of these predictions anyone could have made given some consideration to a topic!
It’s not that we have any clever – ‘inside knowledge’ – or know anyone that does. So how do we get our predictions right all (ok most:) the time? Well – The Bible tells us God reveals secret things to babes – to the simple – to the unlearned that He often does not reveal to the learned and self-proclaimed wise (arrogant, prideful often super-intelligent folks).
We also rely on the Bible’s clear outlining of history (its’ many cautionary tales and their outcomes), its’ foretelling of big future events which can sometimes guide our predictions of smaller events. So if you are a reporter or are interested in the outcomes of events – especially geo-political as I am – I’d suggest you bookmark this page as I’ll add my predictions as we go – red incorrect prediction – green correct prediction. I really don’t think it requires much ‘special knowledge’ – but he acceptance of human failings and a humble spirit as we look at events and the people and situations surrounding them. We’re not into hocus-pocus, crystal balls or Nostra-whatshiname!
We admit the reader has no way to verify we actually made the already ‘come to pass’ predictions on this page – but we did (I’ll try to add links where I can find links to all the pages posts and comments where I made these predictions – you can look at my predictions on many YouTube comments and articles here – some are verbal but can be verified by witnesses/people we spoke with prior to events discussed and predictions made) so I have decided to keep a record of new predictions here that I will update – and since this is not an ego trip or a ‘told you so’ (as frankly the predictions we made were often not in the direction we want) I will include where I get it wrong too! So here goes:
How YOU can predict the future accurately too
There is a way that YOU or anyone (with the right mindset and understanding of human nature) can make correct predictions. It relies on imagining that we are of the ‘old unreformed (basically lawless) nature’ that all us Christians once were and are continually working on with God. You want to know the outcome of some situation? Simply imagine you are the people or group you have in mind to question – that you are pushing an agenda that will benefit not only others but yourself (rule No.1; a man will rarely work for free or do something for nothing). I should say – there is no hocus-pocus here – many things I cannot predict as I admittedly do not understand enough about a situation, a history, a technology, person or group. But below are just a few of the predictions I got right – where I felt I did know enough of the people involved, desired outcome – motives and means to get from A-B.
Understand the human condition – to lie, cheat, manipulate, be greedy, be prideful, steal and sometimes destroy – yes – understanding man’s seemingly bottomless propensity to dishonesty and ‘seeing’ the resulting ‘future’ accurately is VERY depressing:(
Understand that rich and powerful people feel ‘mandated’ to fix everything – they wouldn’t be in the position they are in otherwise right? Err – well not necessarily! The truth is – they know there is something a bit out of kilter with owning all the world’s wealth and not helping others ‘up the ladder’. Naturally they don’t want to give up theirs – so they devise ‘philanthropic’ schemes to fix things – usually using everyone else’s resources. It’s completely normal – yet we just don’t want to believe that guilt or scoring browny points with others – even God is behind many a good deed – and though it can be a bad thing – it’s not always – to complicate things.
So – how to predict the future? First off – don’t get a crystal ball or see a palm reader – BAD! Ask yourself; what goal do the people, group or nation want to achieve? b) why would they want to achieve these ends? c) how would they achieve this? (assuming there area a) unlimited resources b) inside knowledge c) who if anyone stands to make money from this? (yes – on earth – the love of money really IS the root of all evil) d) consider the physical harms, financial loses or benefits, consequences of possible pains to be suffered or gains of winning or losing by all ‘opponents’ e) important: there are NO RULES, cheating, falsifying and propagandising and OMISSION of truth is allowed – and WILL very likely be employed on earth as it isn’t in heaven!).
This above method will allow you to be able to predict the future outcome of events with ‘uncanny’ accurately. Warning: it’s often very depressing to know in advance what the outcome of something is that appears to most as ‘fair game’ or ‘up for grabs’ either way – is and see it unfold under the guide of ‘fate’ or ‘natural events’ when something has been clearly orchestrated or ‘steered’. But we must get used to the fact that all powerful (and dishonest) men – since time began – have gathered tother to conspired to move events (and $$$) in their favour – and into their pockets. Oh yes – the old follow the money still applies.
Another tip: especially when it comes to politics – focus on motives, and who stands to gain what – details and policies are often a distraction. Eg politician A says he believes X (and he might) – but he may stand to become very rich and powerful – or have been promised a seat at a very prestigious and alluring table by doing Y.
Predictions 101Networks got right…
National and personal debts will be wiped out
Time of prediction: discussed and spoken of since 2005 onwards
Prevailing view/ polls prediction both sides: not spoke of in main stream media
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: to get most people and ‘developing’ (quite often suppressed) nations (mostly now in debt encouraged by unscrupulous bankers, people and politicians) to get on board with globalism – and of course – who wouldn’t trade a global government and loose their freedoms in exchange for their debt gone? Yep – it’s that cynical and predictable!
Brexit will be voted ‘yes’
Time of prediction: during middle of leave/stay campaign.
Prevailing view/ polls prediction both sides: negative
101Network’s prediction: positive
Q Anon is not ‘real’
After immediate suspicion on hearing ‘his’ predictions, and watching the behaviour of ‘his’ followers, 101Networks came to the conclusion it was a problematical person or group either having fun with Internet folks of possibly created to make ‘conservatives’ look foolish – but especially Christians who are it must be said – often willing to listen to outside and unorthodox opinions.
101Network’s prediction: positive.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: detected the mixing of some truth with a smattering of nonsense. Alex Jones pushing it was enough to raise alarm bells.
Loss of Freedom (global ID) with not be imposed of the majority – but virtually demanded
Time of prediction: mid 1990’s (countless authors have written about this facet of human nature for humans to enjoy servitude if it means safety long ago – but many Christians imagined authoritarianism spoken of in the bible would have to be imposed – not foreseeing it would be actively welcomed as it would come with a myriad of incentives.
101Network’s prediction: positive.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: with ever reducing tolerance for hardship – and ever increased fear of various threats – military – health and 100 other forms – populations will welcome loss of freedom if they are offered ‘security’. Of course no such security exists.
Alex Jones cannot be trusted
Prevailing view: mixed.
101Network’s prediction: positive.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction:
‘Leaving’ the European Union will be made extremely arduous (to teach UK and any would-be leavers a lesson)
Time of prediction: during middle of leave/stay campaign.
Prevailing view/ polls prediction both sides: N/A – discussed by few
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: much pride and loss of face will be a main reason – but another will be to teach UK (small-minded little-Englanders) and any folks in other nations daring to leave a painful lesson to make it not work attempting.
Issue of ‘Leaving’ European Union will disappear during Covid19 troubles
Time of prediction: right after Covid appeared.
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: N/A
101Network’s prediction: positive
Discussion of/cases of Common cold/flu will virtually be unheard of during Covid19 troubles
Time of prediction: right after Covid appeared.
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: not discussed in main-stream media
101Network’s prediction: positive – turns out flu and colds ‘eradicated’ (right;)
Trump will be elected 1st term
Time of prediction: as soon as I watched first stadium rally (many conservatives folks saw this coming but remained silent).
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: negative (according to most anti-Trump supporters).
Reason for wrong prediction prediction: same as wrong Brexit prediction; the left hounded so many Trump voters into the ‘closet’ they didn’t show up at the polls and came out of the woodwork on voting day.
101Network’s prediction: positive
Absolute certain – his election campaign smashed anything else. Nothing could come close to his charisma and supporter-base to re-energise America.
Trump will NOT be elected 2nd term
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: negative (according to most Trump supporters he would be elected no question).
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: we predicted the left MUST remove Trump at all costs in order to further the dismantling of USA/UK and continue towards globalism – therefore we knew IT WILL happen. Before and during the 2nd election there was a smugness – a sureness amounst all those in power and in big-tech that Trump would not win 2nd term. The Democrat supporters were not so sure. In my estimation after the 1st Trump win there could be no way Trump could be allowed to win after the first mess-up (misinterpretation of the polls). Scaramouchi went as far as to say prior to the election call; “I can guarantee you it will not happen.”
Brexit ‘deal’ will be struck
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: positive and negative (both views highly prevalent but no deal was considered most likely at the end of negotiations).
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: most politicians – having been explicitly or implicitly offered seats at the EU ‘table’ are openly or secretly are ‘remainers‘ eg Boris Johnson was openly a remainer – then ‘changed’ his mind when it came time to get elected. Walking away completely would give UK greatest bargaining power therefore this would not happen (subject to opinion of course).
1960s style (basic recording and instruments) music will come back in fashion (and one day flares too!)
Prediction: 1990 – anyone could have guessed this!
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale: music produced on 100s tracks with perfect tuning and perfect auto-rune and no mistakes and no happy accidents is dull and lifeless.
Democrats will draw up lists and ‘come after’ Trump supporters
Time of prediction: as soon as heard Trump was running (and predicting he would win).
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: n/a (not spoken of)
101Network’s prediction: positive (though it should be noted; ‘coming after’ will be in the form of exclusion from social media, society at large and mainly those that hold or ‘support’ Christian views – which happens to be conservatives. This will be enacted slowly over a period of 2-10 years).
Civil War will break out in America “because of Trump”
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: positive and negative
101Network’s prediction: negative
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: used by democrats and left as another means to scare people into voting Trump out of office. Trump will step for the sake of avoiding bloodshed ruining America (though it is and will be divided by the globalists and ruined anyway).
Trump Will leave Office Quietly
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: negative
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: Trump for all his sins (mostly worn on his sleeve thankfully) will be demonised as a ‘dictator’ by associating all kinds of evil notions to his motives.
Brexit and ‘Trumpism’ will lead to a worldwide move of nationalism and return to sovereignty
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: positive.
101Network’s prediction: negative (in true sense)
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: we predicted the whilst the people of the nations will feel momentarily (Brexit and Trump’s single terms in office) they are having a revival of nationalism – this is false sense of security and the nations of Europe and elsewhere will be soon absorbed by the far bigger and unstoppable of globalisation that will resume where it left off before Brexit AND Trump’s term.
Upturned winglets in wing tips will be used to stabilise planes.
Prediction date: 1978/9
Prevailing view: n/a / not seen on planes though likely existed.
101Network’s prediction: positive (now on most commercial planes)
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: discovered playing with models aircraft as kid this massively increased stability of model planes.
One day all goods in the home will be scannable and re-sellable with mobile phone and aid in reusing unwanted goods (like better version of eBay)
Prediction date: 2005
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: n/a.
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: put forward idea to family member.
The pop industry has – and will continue to actively lower the quality of pop music
Prediction date: 1990 onwards
Prevailing view: n/a.
101Network’s prediction: positive
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: the pop industry understands that taste is acquired no (as are most things – even the unpalatable) and no matter how awful is. Writing a complex, melodic, beautiful song with meaningful lyrics is hard and can be done (eg. God Only Knows by Beach boys). But if done once, it has to be repeated unless the music company wants to go out of business. Having gained control of the pop music industry it’s much easier to write and produce and sell bland meaningless monotonous ‘music’ (if that is all that’s available) and simply pump the money into a manufactured ‘image’ of a band or star as that can be done easily and consistently but the music bar is lowered and easier to produce next time. This way the public – especially the young can be brainwashed into liking mediocre unmelodious ‘un-complex’ music that’s easier and cheaper to produce. Jimi Hendrix stated if a tune is played over and over – no matter what it is, it hypnotises the listener who will eventually like it as (eg Voodoo Child – not a nice tune but if heard enough quite addictive) – like the first time you taste whiskey or cigarettes it’s horrible to virtually all humans – but it’s clearly acquired after repetitive tasting.
Life will return to ‘normal’ when Biden enters office (will happen in tandem with Covid vaccine rollout)
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: both views exist.
101Network’s prediction: positive (but not until vaccinations completed and all citizens globally receive digital ID).
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: Trump is out so there is no ned to perpetuate chaos to a) make him look bad and b) strengthen the public’s desire for change of president for calm. That having been achieved – vaccine rollout obviously means society can be opened up again with the added socialist/globalist (the left are all globalists) benefit that everyone is now ‘chipped and tracked.’ This will have the added benefit of making it appear that calm came to pass under the new president – when in actual fact chaos was orchestrated by the left to weaken America and prepare the people to accept the new global socialism.
People will use keyboards and large TV screens as computers to surf and watch web served entertainment
Prediction: 2000
101Network’s prediction: positive
Social engineering by search engines and other social media and tech companies is happening on a massive scale (as well as in all the traditional ways in schools and colleges)
Time of prediction: 2016 (though we had noticed ‘auto-suggestion’ terms (common terms people type) were being manually or at least algo-edited (often common searches omitted that were not PC giving the searcher the impression a particular search was unusual or not normally searched and therefore not in keeping with prevailing views etc) to suit particular world views several years before whilst doing SEO or routine searches – but this was in overdrive by 2016)
Prevailing view: not heard discussed at time.
101Network’s prediction: shown to be happening and easily verifiable by anyone using simple web searches.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: I suspected this before 2016 as have studied SEO/search queries for years and noticed anomalies (alteration from naturally expected in the auto-suggest and results) – but during the US elections that year I started searching for certain ‘easily findable’ documents and testing auto-suggestions on different search engines. Bearing in mind that if it’s not on Google it likely doesn’t exist – it’s easy to see that what is ‘normal’ and expected to search (ie from the auto-suggestions) was being seriously altered and not natural (ie not producing the search queries that many people had already done as they typed them, and many others altered or deleted entirely as if no such search had been done by anyone). This can be seen in action by trying same search queries on other – especially lesser search engines where no such meddling is done and all natural questions typed in can be seen. The tailoring or omission is especially visible when searches involve sensitive political subjects or people pertaining to a certain ‘side’. This is being done by both by automated and AI algorithms and human alteration. One example where this is happening (tho less likely deliberate ‘engineering’ and more in line with pressure to follow social norms dictated buy those who are – but having the same effect – is on simple computer spell-checkers where once ‘normal’ phrases or words are omitted or not suggested giving the young writer the idea a word never existed or is now not politically correct to use. Spell checking and auto-suggest in search engines in the wrong hands can be very much like thought-checking.
None of the folks in the Clinton Email / Russia Enquiries will be charged with anything
Time of prediction: as soon as heard of hearings.
Prevailing view: generally assumed impossible as clear, obvious and provable offences were committed by people with super-hi IQ (ie they knew exactly what the were doing when say emails were ‘accidentally’ deleted or computers discarded or ‘C’ written on letters and same for intelligence employees cooking up scandles and ‘investigating’ and withholding information from the hearings.
101Network’s prediction: correct
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: there really are two tiers of justice. To allow charges would have brought down the whole corruption which could not be allowed under any circumstances. This goes so high up to such an all-pervasive all-knowing organisation that people in the end will be scared for their lives as so much is at stake – prison sentences – secrets revealed – livelihoods lost – families threatened etc. Not only that – Hilary Clintons expression during the hearings was one of untouchability – looking at her watch and smiling. You don’t smile unless you are sure you will be let off. Even Donald Trump was scared of bringing charges as he knew ‘six ways till Sunday’ would be enacted as was warned.
The ‘cashless society’ will be rolled out first in 3rd world or non-‘Christian’ countries then all the richer nations. Country and personal Depts will be wiped out.
Prediction: 1998
101Network’s prediction: correct (India/Sweden/China)
Rationale: richer and non-compliant people (unwilling to let go of cash) will have to comply to trade. Wiping out of personal debts will act as sweeteners for people and poorer nations to comply
FUTURE PREDICTIONS (yet to take place)
UK will return to EU Union
Time of prediction: start of Brexit campaign.
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: negative/ generally assumed impossible.
101Network’s prediction: positive (of a kind).
Rationale for 101’s prediction: the next generation of leaders will virtually all (most millennials are) all ‘remainers‘ and will work to ‘restore’ what was lost – ie their servitude. The EU and UK will simply be absorbed or part of the bigger scheme for global government – ie the 10 regions/kings that will lead them and hand power to the 1 (yet to be ordained) king.
USA & UK must be ‘dismantled’ (severely weakened) and national borders/nations ‘erased’ (remain in all but name) before world government comes into place (largely underway)
Time of prediction: 2006.
Prevailing view/ polls prediction: negative – as generally assumed impossible.
101Network’s prediction: positive. Rationale for 101’s prediction: a strong USA (and to lesser extent UK) is the dam in the dam of globalism as these are nations founded (USA) and governed (UK) traditional by Christian principles. Globalism and Christianity (for reasons set out in the bible (understanding of man’s tendency to corruption and therefore limitation of power)) cannot coexist. Globalists plan – under the dictates of computers (‘infallible’) to create a ‘utopian’ society. Unfortunately the cost to humans is all personal freedom. Without personal bottom-up reform that religion brings (or is meant to) they are fully aware the only other (natural humanistic) option of ‘peace’ and ‘stability’ is top-down – long in the works, imposition of law using digital technology and social scoring under a single set of laws and government enacted by the digital control of money (so the illusion of separate nations remains). ‘Babylon’ WILL be completed at any cost – strangely where it will reach a point where it cannot even be stopped by those building it!
Bitcoin and other ‘alt/decentralised’ coins will be controlled/limited by government and/or become obsolete
Time of prediction: 2009/10 after I’d learnt how and what they were created for.
Prevailing view: generally assumed impossible (this as usual assume the ‘good nature’ of human beings (wrongly) and foolishly discounts the fact that a bankers are politicians best friends and vice versa).
101Network’s prediction: yet to see.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: simply that this MUST be done on behalf of central banks. Since the bankers and their friends the politicians are extremely easy to persuade. This is why the central bank was created. All governments should control their own money supply – any child could tell you this.
‘Social scoring’ will come to the West (just as in China)
Prediction: 2006 (throw in capitalist/communist mix as well:)
Prevailing view: mixed – mainly thought impossible in a free country.
101Network’s prediction accuracy: to be announced.
Rationale for 101’s prediction: a) top-down imposition of power is 100% necessary to bring global peace, wealth and security (if you are not using God’s prescribed method of bottom up personal/family/local/national reform) b) social scoring is a wealthy philanthropists’s dream (these are the folks who actually make the global rules – not national leaders) as they can run the world ‘fairly’ as they decide with them at the controls (they know best or they wouldn’t be so successful right?) c) Social scoring is a politicians / big-tech / CEOs/ (all work together) dream. Lastly – Western country’s are not now anywhere near as ‘free’ as we suppose.
ANTIFA will start civil war with far right
Time of prediction: 2020.
Prevailing view: quite possible.
101Network’s prediction: will not happen.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: ANTIFA (as are many people and groups that have gone before and still exist) are pawns that do the ‘left’s’ bidding and dirty work of the advancing of what I call ‘new marxism’ (‘reformed’ – probably why we NEVER see anything about Stalin and the true cost of Marxism – 100m dead on television documentaries – only the well-known things). Once money is all digitalised as it soon will be with COVID now rapidly bringing this into view – ANY problematic person or group or can be easily controlled by agreements struck by bankers and politicians and nation leaders – be it ISIS, small-time money launderers, Christians, ANTIFA or anyone who is no longer useful to the cause of globalism.
All the world’s resources and most if not all social decisions will be made by a centralised computer
Time of prediction: 2005 (started writing my book)
Prevailing view: not seen discussed until last 5 years though probably has been. Certainly hinted in old sci-fi books, by C.S.Lewis’ ‘scientism’ and other writer’s ‘technocracies’.
101Network’s prediction: yet to see.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: this will be used rather than human/politicians decisions as it will abrogate all ‘culpability’ and give politician the perfect excuse and reasoning behind for certain draconian measures (like confiscation of property/administering of drugs etc) since “an infallible computer 10,000 times more intelligent than a human made the decision,” (or similar argument) will be used and accepted by leaders and the people alike having been sold it’s inability to make mistakes (Wisdom – which is spiritual gift and comes through experience of course it will not posses – only intelligence). Of course, whilst it will be promoted as autonomous – some group and ultimately some-one will have ultimate control over it as in my book – I call it ADAMII.
The continuous wearing of masks will be used as one pretext for facial recognition and digital ID to be mandatory for everyone on the planet to live and function in modern society
Time of prediction: 2019
Prevailing view: not heard discussed.
101Network’s prediction: yet to see.
Rationale for 101’s correct prediction: anyone can imagine this – so no great prediction.
There will be no more super financial ‘crash’ after 2008 – simply a slow but sure devaluing of all world currency and all conscientious peoples and companies savings
Prediction: 2009
Rationale: Crashes can be engineered and avoided but banks always win crash or no crash.
Al Gore’s climate prediction (and most others) will not happen as predicted
Prediction: 2005
Rationale: having experienced the 1970s ice-age prediction never come to pass – as well as the ozone issue – Al Gore will most likely be wrong as the earth like the human body can adapt incredibly to different temperatures and conditions to a point. Global warming will not happen as predicted but simple morph into various other ‘coming climate catastrophes’ and be called under different names. These ideas are often started with good intentions but then backed and pushed by various groups to make money from new fuels or other technologies that are coming online. Sea levels may rise but but they are just as likely to fall in the future. In our opinion (do your own research as we could be wrong!) CO2 changes are a drop in bucket compared to effects of sun on the earth’s climate.
Planting trees (which stabilise the atmosphere) is as better solution than worrying about changes in climate gases and temp.
Prediction: 1995
Rationale: common sense only so we could be wrong (do your own research) looking at the earth from above and studying massive forested areas that clearly already affect the climate past and present.
Pollution in terms of non-decomposing plastics and related chemical leaching all over the planet and oceans and chopping down trees is far more damaging than burning natural fossil fuels.
**We could be wrong (do your own research – consult science/studies)**
Prediction: 1995
Rationale: common sense only looking at voluminous amounts of plastic produced and discarded. Pollutants from natural substances soot and smoke are more natural and can to larger extent be dealt with by nature providing there are enough trees and pastures.
Many solutions to diseases will be (and have been) discovered but will be withheld for coming global government to manage and distribute their fair (equal) use globally
Prediction: 2000
Prevailing view: commonly spoken of.
Rationale: this will be used as incentives for people and nations to comply with global government. Cannot verify – tin-foil waters ahead!!
Politicians in favour of globalism will openly harness the COVID outbreak to chip and track (digital ID all humans in some form – no not in this vaccine:)
Prediction: 2020 by most thinking people (however this need to digital ID all citizens has been on the cards and spoken of for decades – the means as to how to achieve this was the question)
Rationale: coercion – fear of losing wealth or health or security and d=safety has always been employed by those who with to coerce people into accepting something otherwise unacceptable like lose of freedoms and liberties.
The root of ‘political correctness’ (now morphed into left’s cancel culture) and it’s unspoken of but deep seated goal is the slow march to cancel the bible and Christianity and Christians.
Predicted; 1990 onwards.
Rationale: an acceptance of a socialist new global ‘equitable’ world order and other traditionally unacceptable aspects of society are not compatible with The Bible or Christianity – the only things that stands between global government. Therefore pretexts must be found to attack Christianity and The Bible using other covers – most often by supporting individuals or minority groups that are against Christianity and Christian values. That way the work can be done without directly attacking the faith or it’s adherents. No other religion poses a threat to this, as all except faithful Christians (who have known globalist’s plans 2000 years in advance – to rebuild ‘Babylon’ under a single system) can be easily controlled financially.
Cash will be gone 20 30 years. Latest prediction (2021) in 2-5 years (anyone could make)
20-30 years date predicted by us around 1990 – but by many others decades before (ie cashless society has been common knowledge amongst Christians and those in tech for 50+ years and mentioned in The Bible).
Rationale: it must happen if global government is to happen (by the control of all money transitions – not by all governments agreeing with each other).
Time does not exist as we know it
Predicted; 1994 onwards.
Rationale: common sense since we are always in the now of the apparent ‘timeline’ of history. There is only position of matter. Corroborates with eternity being already “in the hearts of men” and with God’s necessary eternal existence (assuming He does). Totally unscientific we know!
China and Russia will rise up and challenge USA
Predicted: 1996 (year of Harry Potter (as that was being read at the time we said this)).
Rationale: communist or at least totalitarian countries – birds of a feather must stop threat of freedom spreading. Not so sure about this happening now but may do!
Covid virus is not fake – but the response to it will hugely blown out of proportion due to fear of suing culture.
2020 days after hearing about COVID outbreak.
Rationale: people having thrown away faith and their Bibles are a) spineless b) accusatory to the max of others’ mistakes – especially politicians c) fearful of the suing culture that has transpired because we are no longer nation of faith but of fear and finger-pointing. Social media also makes it impossible to get the public on board as it creates mass confusion with too many cooks and no clear single leadership but a mish-mash of ideas and governance.
The COVID Virus originated in China (*could be wrong on this of course*), did not come from wet market and was allowed to spread to damage the world economy and Trump since he dared to re-level the playing field (and therefore ‘threatened’ it’s economy)
Predicted: at soon as we heard of Covid outbreak.
Outcome: we might never know exactly where it originated or came from or why it was allowed to spread.
Rationale: If the good people of Davos have publicly stated; “we must not let this crisis go to waste,” (Schwab) and “use it to bring global ID to the world” (Tony Blair)” (paraphrase) – then you can bet a not-so-good government like Russia, China is an huge sprawling – difficult to manage (because of size) angry dangerous and wounded (financially) bear and nowhere near as a successful economy as we have been told year upon year by Western leaders in real terms (as it’s wealth and technology is largely acquired from it’s own people and other nations). Neither will it ‘come on board’ once they are developed (it’s communist for heaven’s sake). It’s ‘wealth’ is built on sand. So when Donald Trump threw the bear a massive spanner to curb its’ habit of ‘acquiring’ wealth and technology from it’s own people and other nations to fund its’ development it was always going to wage war one way or other on the West – but particularly target Trump and USA. It is very much not in USA’s interest to spread a virus like covid – not least because in a democratic nation this would come out – but it very much IS in China’s interest to weaken the world’s economy – and allowing a virus to spread to a weakened and fearful (ie no longer Christian) nations would be the prefect means. They must have known in advance our reaction (since we are terrified of the suing culture) would be to over-react and destroy our own economy. We said this right after we heard it was spreading. Are we right? I do not know – this is simply analysing the events and not data. Do your own research and decide yourself! WE **!COULD BE COMPLETELY WRONG!**
USA/UK society (and the rest of the world) will become same as China (mix of ‘neo-capitalism’ and totalitarianism with social scoring to go)
Prediction 2005 (but foreseen by all kinds of sci-fi writers and others decades ago).
Outcome: the technology is already place globally – simply a matter of getting rid of cash so people and nations are forced to comply with complete the loss of privacy and freedom.
Rationale: this plays perfectly into the hands of globalist prime ministers, presidents and politicians (those who have no allegiance to their nation and a best display a superficial interest and share a common desire for global government with their promised seats at the table).
For many more predictions coming bookmark this page….

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)