First of all I’d like to say to anyone reading this article; feel free to disagree with it.
Could it be that the ‘predestination’ question is the wrong question to ask – or even one that is not worth asking?
It is my belief that ‘Predestination’ (ie that we are forced to follow a set and single path that God has ordained and not able to choose good from evil) only exists in the sense God knows the end from the beginning – and hence our names are either in or out of The Book of Life already – so if you want to call that predestination go ahead. However it’s also my belief this confuses people who haven’t grasped God’s eternal no-beginning, no-end and knowing all omnipresence and the deeper truths of eterniy and freewill which are intertwinned.
I say that when God envisioned creating a free-willed man in his image, He knew what would happen when we were endowed with ‘in God’s image’ abilities and free will to exercise them – he saw the endfrom the beginning – that we were doomed before we began.
He knew we would become proud and eventually want separation from him and demand a ‘Godhood’ status for ourselves, each in our own little or large ways, wether it’s the desire to rule a nation or be a pop star – let’s not kid ourselves, we are all the same in this sense – granted some worse than others.
He planned to save us from ourselves and the freewill that paradoxically exists at the same time as his his knowing what would happen (his ‘predestination’), and designed an amazing plan to fix it and turn us from ordinary unspiritual, animalistic beings into Christs’ likeness before the cosmos was even spun into existence!
This plan goes agasint ALL rationality and modern man’ thinking. Instead of being a God as we know ‘God’s he chose not force us to compy to his perfect standards but to woo us to them by chosing to do what we hate doing – to humble and limit himself to the confins of a human body, gave himself utterly and died for us – even though he had all the power of the universe in his hands!
Science is beginning to say that there is no such thing as chance – that everything can only go one way – and yet we know that we most certainly can chose good or evil – red or blue. And say ‘chioice’ was only an ‘illusion’ – then illusion or no illusion it’s still enough to reveal the desires and intent of our hearts (the reason I belive we are in this universe) as whatver way God choses is always enough. So could it be that God in his infinite wisdom has ‘predestined’ everything to go His way – the ONLY possible way – and yet within this ‘predestination’ he does what only a God could do – bends all the ‘rules’ as we know them and gives us freewill within that already known destiny – knowing the beginning from the end? It would certainly appear so, and in fact this makes a lot of sense.
The scientist would say this is impossible – but then the sceintist is trying to understand an infinite god from a finite viewpoint – something that can never be done since if you could know the hidden secrets of creation – of God himself – then by definition he wouldn’t be a god – he would be as we are. But then there are those that insist that man is to be a God – and then we’re back to the original ‘problem’ of our ego and pride.
In any case, as always science yet again ends up strengething the whole notion of God and points towards his power totally outside of the three dimensions we know – never dimishing Him. Therefore we don’t even need to worry ourselves with the predestnation debate – we just need to trust God and his word in The Bible and follow the teachings of Jesus and God’s commands.
Thank you God for revealing yourself in the same measure as science tries to disprove you.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: