Eh?.. what?.. yes you heard that right. Wether or not the ‘falling away’ in The Bible refers to a catching up into the sky or wether it means that the church and Christians will turn apostate – regardless of either of these takes on the verse(s), there must be a falling away in an apostate sense before Christ comes.
How do I know that? Simple – it’s human nature to fall away – and away – and away just look at the Israelites! And to fall away especially when persecution hots up and people are forced to choose between saving their own behinds and believing and adhering to the truth. Oh and that’s another reason why there must be a falling away in the apostate sense BEFORE Christ comes. Because the sheep need to be sorted from the goats regardless for the whole word to see faith in action – just as in Job’s day.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not putting myself in the ‘sheep’ category… that’s up to God – but I do know there will be a serious falling away and apostasy before Christ comes because it’s happening now. I can feel the pressure myself to conform to the new political correctness that is sweeping the globe and anyone that opposes it is seen as having some kind of illness. Oh yep – the falling away is happening all right, so if Jesus was referring to an apostasy – he was right. If he wasn’t he was also right (because he always turns out to be).
The very fact that so many people want the rapture to happen before the great tribulation is proof in itself that the cooling – the luke-warm watered down church is appearing. What Christian in their right mind would expect to be excused from suffering in the last ten yards of history when you consider we are (in the west at least) the ONLY Christian generation that have not suffered terrible persecution and not only that – Jesus PROMISED suffering to some – sorry – I mean ALL that would live godly lives for Christ.
And one more thing; who does The Beast make war on in Revelation? All those that are Christians – sorry – all those that kept the commandments of God. So it remains for us to find out then, what those commandments are – not that we want persecution at all or in any way – we are not trying to bring on any wars or self-fulfil prophecy as with Islam and other religions – it’s just that if the beast makes war on those that kept God’s commandments – he clearly does not consider those that don’t (being anti-Christian himself) as being a threat to his worldly kingdom or Christians.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: