It is interesting to note that all the different groups and nations around the world are aiming at world government – some from religious angles some not but all heading in same direction recognising it as the only means of peace. Of course as sygmund would say whoever precipitates this will consider them self anointed and the messiah. You know the jewish and Islamic expected messiah is a man – not God incarnate right? I think most Christians think its the same deal as in Christianity. Please go to a Jewish website and look this us if you are unsure.
This fits in perfectly as remember the Bible says that Satan (via the man/antichrist) wants to sit on God’s throne in Jerusalem and uniting religions is the only way it could be done.
It’s also interesting that John in the Bible either through revelation (or non-believers might say by common sense) knew that whoever was going to rule the world in the end must unite religion, politics and economy.
Perhaps most political leaders like Tony Blair have no real belief in The Bible or the devil, or care about religion but are using this same principle of uniting the religions and riding the wave of religious violence around the world to bring everything under one roof which of course they will want to be part of.
This is the only human means to bring ‘peace’ to the world – but it won’t last because men are easily corrupted even at low governmental levels let alone a single world leader. The idiots are sealing their own doom and there was a reason God divided nations – to limit power – this is exactly how the US states republic system was designed has worked well until now it is being dismantled.
Catholicism since mid 80’s has been promoting ecumenicalism, thinking it will be a big player in all this (the vatican – some say the richest organisation in the world, in their own writings claim Pope to be Jesus see below) but the bible says (you probably remember this from your pious days) that the antichrist will turn on the woman (church) and devour her. Recognising the clout of the vatican most of the poorer mainline protestant churches are going along with this ecumenicalism (I think you are out of touch here – google Rick Warren and his ilk) – also recognising it as the only human means for world peace.
This single system/religion lark is as old as the hills e.g Nebuchadnezzar, Tower of Babel. They’re all at it vying for position knowing it’s coming – its just a case of who’s going to run it. Europe will just be absorbed into a bigger system when it comes.
So even if by chance, its all lining up exactly as the Bible predicted. I have a theory that the Masons knowing the Bible inside out (they have the KJV on their alter and we know what alters are for) and knowing the single world order is the only way forward are actually self-fullfiling the prophecies, sticking to the biblical line in order cause the divide they need between those who will go along with it and those that wont – just like Shadrach, Meshach etc.
“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Hismelf hidden under the veil of flesh. Does the Pope speak? It is Jesus christ who speaks…”
– Pope Piux X Catholiquie Nationale, July 13, 1895

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: