Isn’t it ironic that the world’s highest paid people are those that add least to society. Ironic but not unexpected – after all this world is the Devil’s domain and he was intent on pretending to be something he wasn’t from the beginning. This is why we so often see actors and actresses and singer ‘super-stars’ doing charity work. It’s because when they go to bed at night they know that the next day they are going to be paid another $million for pretending to be real, and be revered and worshipped for great acting by people that they know in their heart of hearts that shouldn’t be worshipping them at all.
Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think acting or singing or entertaining are bad in themselves (I am a musician and do them all at times and I’m sure the disciples sat around camp fires, told stories and sung and danced), or course not – providing entertainment can enrich our lives to some degree. It’s just that in time and eternity and God’s economy they are far less than cracked up to be (IMHO). I remember an interview where the brilliant actor Richard Dreyfuss stated himself and that the danger of being a revered actor or ‘star’ is that you are always in danger of believing your own hype and in his case – for a time he did. He actually likened fame and fortune in the hands of the unwise ‘as like a poison.’
You can take it with you – but not to heaven
Am I a little harsh? Perhaps but I’m afraid this is the truth. Jesus told us clearly that; “the rich and famous shall inherit the earth…” ahem sorry correction – “the meek shall inherit the earth” and all this ‘charity’ work done in the sight of men (something our Lord specifically told us not to do) is merely to appease their conscience which I’ve no doubt it does to some degree as I am sure most of the people that do this have not read their Bibles.
Winers and losers?
When I was young I saw all the top stars and entertainers as life’s winners. I wanted to be one – yet even as a child I knew something was up about placing all these people that often sing and sometimes act about literally nothing on a high pedestal.
But something happened to me. As I got older (having secretly wanted to be a rock-star myself whist at the same time knowing it was an ungodly desire and occupation) and saw the mess these people’s lives were, the mess their kids were, the mess they made of others who wanted to worship and/or emulate them and the sheer number of these ‘stars’ that suffered from depression, manipulation by their handlers (just look at poor Elvis and Jimi Hendrix to name just 2 of hundreds of these so-called ‘winners’) loneliness, and all too often early deaths from drink or drugs and even murder through envy and jealously – I now see it for what it is – success in reverse.
The real winners
To me now, the real winners in life and those that should gain the most respect and I would wager – those that are most fulfilled in life (if what The Bible says is anything to go on) are those that the world ignores – the bin men, the postmen, the bus drivers, the teachers, the builders, the carers, the doctors, the missionaries, the gardeners, the toilet cleaners, the road sweepers – the people that really add to society – not the IT gurus, the social network owners that connect us to all but those we need to be connected to, or the world casino players and by that I mean the so-called ‘investors’ and bankers that sit in rooms concocting ever new ways to make more and more money by doing less and less work.
Be careful what you wish for – you might just get it
So my message to all those that want to be stars is, be very careful about what you wish for because God grants us the desires of our hears be they good or evil. If you want money and fame you can have it – but you can’t take it into heaven. God will not tolerate men or women being worshipped above Him for any length of time. Yes you may succeed in the eyes of man for a short time, but before long you will as almost all ‘stars’ do, wind up a sad caricature of your former once ‘great’ self and in almost all cases end up consigned to the rubbish heap of fame and fortune.
If you’re really lucky you might get a book or a movie brought out that says how wonderful you once were or your hands cast in the pavement so people walk on your name for the next decade until people have forgotten who you were altogether as The Bible tells us happens to all eventually.
The road to real happiness?
It’s hard to believe but I am convinced that it is much better and infinitely more fulfilling to have a basic 9-5 job, a little happy family, a small car and a basic roof over your head, and do your charity in secret and be remembered by God for what you did to serve Him and His kingdom, His people and those in need. God felt it important to see to it that Jesus – the most powerful and truthful and fulfilled person that ever lived, was a carpenter and work with his hands. “The labourer’s sleep is sweet” The Bible tells us.
See the Yahoo article that inspired this article here: robert-downey-jr-tops-hollywood-rich-list

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: