We must understand that scientists have only come to the ‘conclusion’ that other ‘dimensions’ exist, not because they really do in the form they are hoping to discover with CERN – something we should all be concerned about (con being the operative word) if only from the huge waste of money and resources that could be directed to really important needs and causes, but just as the hair-brained theory of evolution is the ONLY possible option for someone that does not believe in The Biblical account (or to be more precise – does not want to – let’s be real here) – i.e if God didn’t create us fully formed then we must have come from rocks which turned to fish, which turned to men simply because there is no other option, and not because the theory is clever or even good or not water-tight, and in fact full of holes. There simply isn’t enough time in the history of the universe for this theory to be correct from a chance point of view.

Hair-brained: I know that emperors new clothes syndrome forbids most of us from saying anything negative about this project – besides a lot of people are making a killing out of it, but is CERN actually the most expensive piece of junk ever created with the foolish and impossible aim of seeing into the finite from the finite realm? ‘Time’ will tell.
When one theory fails – just invent another; multi-dimensions

Look, call me nuts, but why would anyone put three obvious sixes on the CERN logo (do not tell me no one at cern – the place where the greatest scientists in the world dwell – spotted this) with Shiva outside the headquarters. Someone is clearly having fun at CERN.
It’s not exactly science is it – it’s faith if we’re going to be honest, and that’s ok but let’s call it what it is please. And this is where we get the multi-dimensions theory. In other words, scientists have realised evolution cannot possibly be true in a universe even X billion years old – it would take far longer and therefore the only other option to keep this whole shell-game going is to pose more dimensions as holding a possible key to the universes’ evolution – not clever – the only possible explanation.
Of course we know as Christians other dimensions do exist – the dimension in which God sits but rather than it be a separate dimension, I propose that is pervades the one we are in – we are a subset of it – these different dimensions are not separate or equal. In fact – I do not believe time exists at all and that it is purely a man-made construct – again ‘time’ offering us the only means of explaining the sense of things passing and ageing when in actual fact all we are talking about is the movement of matter and things changing form – you age because atoms and molecules move and change location in the universe and in your body and you start to look old – not because time passes – in other words, we are always in the now.
Think about it. If time went infinitely back and forth in history as we imagine it in our minds – you certainly wouldn’t be reading this article. It would have come and gone an infinitely long time ago. Now we know scientists tell us that time is not infinite but you get the point. But the question of what exactly is ‘time’ is another article.

RESPECT: Stephen Hawking – a great and incredibly clever man indeed, yet the Bible tells us; “A fool says in his heart that there is no God” for good reason and Mr Hawking showing us with devastating clarity that intelligence and wisdom are indeed worlds apart.
Why we should all be concerned about CERN
Apart from the fact that Stephen Hawking, with great respect, the brightest fool in the cosmos (the Bible rightly calls they that say in their hearts there is no God since no one can ever disprove God as long as they are in the finite realm – which is all of us) that ever lived is telling us we should not be playing with these ‘particles’ – God has clearly placed a veil over creation for a reason – to protect us! But man – ever the intelligent fool – just as in the garden of Eden refuses to listen to God and insists on becoming a god in his own lunch break at his own peril.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)