Watch the video below and be amazed as I was. The father, the son and the mother are all in on it, and the ‘preacher’ even explains how the fleecing of the flock is done; with prayer cloths, emotional music, soaring crescendos followed by quiet moments of spiritual contemplation.
You’ll never want to visit a church that preaches the prosperity gospel ever again
If only all modern Christians were able to screen the film ‘Marjoe’ in their churches, but unfortunately this award winning 1972 colour documentary has got a copyright on it, which means it gets taken off the Internet as fast as it goes up. The makers of this documentary were possibly out to mock Christianity, but by all accounts after seeing it the’ve ended up doing us all a favour by exposing in no uncertain terms how the love of money really does get the better of some ‘pastors’ – the modern equivalent of whom like Marjoe demand cash for blessings and cures (as if anyone can ever imagine Christ doing that) and with the profits buy lear jets and five mansions in order to “carry out their ‘ministries work.”
Con artists know their Bibles better than those they are conning
I thought the prosperity phenomenon was perhaps a 30-40 year old scam max – but this eye-popping film shows how this family were openly at it 45 years ago and how they planned it from the start! It’s clearly been going on since the Bible itself was written.
Watch out at the end for the ‘repentant’ Marjoe as his conscience begins to get the better of him and even though he was never a belier in the first place – at least is honest enough with himself at the end to quit. Sadly that cannot be said for many preachers of super-churches today who prey on the sick and vulnerable and people who simply have not read their Bibles and whom you can often as seen here tell anything and get away with it.
How to recognise a fake; don’t study fakes – study the real deal!
A tip for anyone who wants to be inoculated from such scammers and instantly recognise a fake (applies in any walk of life – not just church); get a copy of the King James audio Bible and listen to it over and over at night – in the car – at work (if the’ll allow it – don’t get fired!). What happens is miraculous. Having made yourself really familiar with the real deal – a fake – doctrine, teaching etc is instantly recognisable! The reason for this is that truth is self-verifying and interpreted as such by way of the Holy Sprit to anyone that loves truth. So we don’t have to struggle with what is and isn’t fake – learn and get familiar the real thing! God bless you.
It’s been happening since the year dot…
Watch the entire film here as long as it remains on that popular site called Youtube…
Below you will see the master Benny Hinn and his modern day version of this scam and it looks no different from the forty-five year old version. If you you are in any doubt about the Benny, check out the tell-all videos of his nephew that grew up with this nonsense and finally after reading the Bible realised that none of it made sense.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: