I’m not going to write much for this article. Just to say there is a lot of re-writing and purposeful misinterpreting of history – how we got freedom – where democracy came from – what is fascism – what is nationalism – and on and on. And of course – people and nations write their history in their own favour.
There is one exception to this – God writes history as it happens using men to record events – warts and all. One only has to read the Bible to see the history of the Israelites to see what a mess – and unfaithful bunch they were – complaining – worshiping idols – in fact (let’s not get on our high horse) they did all the things that you and I would be doing if we were among them in those days!
One common mistake folks make is to say that a county like america is bad because of the bad things she and other weatern countries have done. I’m not talking about their corrupt leaders faults – I’m talking about the good things they done – things that would NEVER have happened had they not had the salt of the Bible permeating their cultures – there is NONE good but God.
So that said – let’s let Vishal Mangalwadi interviewed by the fun Eric Metaxas below explain what really happened to bring about civility and the stability we have enjoyed in Europe and America and where it really came from
One other note regarding Eric Metaxas; I have been greatly encouraged and learned a lot from Eric – but recently he interviewed and fawned all over Joel Osteen and I had the feeling he was tossing all his knowledge and hard work away as he did this. Anyone – even a child can see with an ounce of wisdom that this Osteen guy is a fraud. Now we’re all sinners but some plan it in advance and I (we) must call out nonsense when I see it as I’ve been quite depressed and discouraged seeing this interview – in fact – it was due to such people (Osteen) that I almost lost my faith a decade ago and had to start again (God showed me to expect such wolves – and see it as a sign of His existence and fulfilment of His words)). You know what the bible says about putting a stumbling block before people. So Eric – a personal plea from me: you are bigger than that aren’t you? – please sort it out – or disappear down the drain with all the other Christian frauds. Enjoy the video.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)