Author note; as with all my articles, forgive my grammar as this was rattled off unedited 20 minutes and probably doesn’t make sense in places. I have very little time and it’s just a heads up for those who aren’t aware what’s around the corner (though I know most Bible-reading Christians are, and have been for some 60+ years in regard to the digital numbering of all mankind in relation buying and selling (participating in society). For a long time the exact means of how this will be achived was unknown, but about 20 years ago it started to become clear it would involve genes and use of medical incentives and various forms of coercion. Now this is all clearly in view.
We all saw several of years back the Microsoft patents for nanotech that goes into your body and is capable of measuring all kinds of particulars like body heat. Now, we can safely assume that MRNA tech is the future of health (and various gene-editing technologies to correct ‘faulty‘ – don’t laugh – genes (as if God’s incredible, fearfully and wonderfully designed human body was faulty and our genes are not affected by our environment, pathogens and all kinds of eternal man-made poisons etc)) – whereby the genes can be marked or numbered with basically whatever we want to put on there – call that your Personal ID number if you like. In other words – they will know that person ID 777 has taken v c n e A, but not B or C – and that gene X, Y or Z has or hasn’t been edited – thus still a threat to the population – we can see how it goes.
We’ll all soon be 5G enabled and connected to the smart (but not so wise) grid 24-7
Also – we already know of Elon’s Neural Lace and is description of it being injected into the body to crate a neural network capable of connecting all of the above to the internet. Not forgetting we are not allowed (for the first time in history) to see the contents of these ’emergency’ solutions all being injected into us without informed consent faster than we can blink or say “wait…” In other words this is a test among other things; ie if we can be injected now with anything, and given no viable testing, informed consent or ingredients list – this sends a clear signal to those administering this they can do anything later. So if the injections don’t contain some conductive material that linked to the new network connects and tracks us now – it will later.
Marked ‘unsafe and ill’ until proven ‘safe and gene-edited’ – first with QR codes, soon after in our body
Then of course we know from the past two years that the powers that shouldn’t be are quite prepared to withhold lifesaving medical tests, and drugs from anyone who is not willing to acknowledge that only their golden hands can save us and that they are the hand that feeds – and use all the above as a ‘bargaining chip’ blackmail – ie see your family suffer or bow down at the golden calf of Moderna or Pfizer.
And all of this because according to the globalists – ‘the pitchforks are coming’ – see 2014 TED talk
Add to that the clearly stated goal of making every human on earth have a carbon credit score (among any other score dreamed up and mandatory for inclusion in society (I mean it’s so transparent to even a child that all this is being used to bring on the back of it – the really desired credits – ‘good behaviour’ (ie conformity to whatever is decreed by Ceasar as good behaviour – ie total submission to all and every edicts as scientifically dolled out (and therefore ‘infallible’) by the ‘quantum mind’ that we’ll soon all see. Note: I personally knew 15+ years ago that the chipping and tracking of all humans linked to their bank (money) had to be quickly sown up by globalists. How? Because the world’s wealth was held in 0.0001% of the world’s hands – and it was obvious that the masses would soon want their money! Hence when I saw that 2014 TED talk a month ago – I thought he was a bit late to the party – but it did confirm my prediction – though none of this take a rocket scientist – you simply have to imagine what you would do if you owned all the world’s wealth (ahem Vanguard and Blackrock – look up their share ownership on Yahoo Finance – yep they own the world and BOTH sides of the media 😉
Mining for our tea – they came to make us slaves – and slaves indeed
Now don’t forget the blockchain – we’ll all be connected and added to that too via all of the above so each and every monetary and every other imaginable transaction (like using the loo, taking a tablet or making love or having a heated argument) will be recorded. So with all of the above in place we can safely say that we will be ‘mining’ credits for our supper. In other words – if we behave and conform to any and every of Ceasar’s edicts we will gain X amount of credits – added to our virtual wallets.
So we can see with all their intellect and knowledge and without wisdom the science boffins are incapable of designing a system whereby we are free, yet still conform to what is good and right (as Jesus did using self-moderation and fear of God – knowing that He sees every deed and the thoughts and intent of our hearts and that we are to adhere voluntarily to his word – ie bottom-up reform of individuals – then families – then communities then nations ion THAT order).
All their creativity and knowledge, untethered by wisdom will bring mankind to worse than nought; to live forever in a prison
No, that’s too much effort for the ‘clever’ scientists who’s imagination and wisdom has only brought them only to build a digital and inescapable (read Aldus Huxley’s damning conclusions on a scientific dictatorship) prison for all men women and children forever. In any case they don’t believe in God – nor want him meddling in their affairs or worse – judging their hearts and deeds as they will soon be knowing all the thoughts and intents of our hearts and judging us. They – the Godless ones, came to make us captive. If they therefore shall make you captive, ye shall be captive indeed.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: