They’ve all tried it, they all want to try it, and the Bible says one leader will succeed. What’s that you say? A peace treaty deal in the Middle East of course – it’s the ultimate mark of success and legacy – the ultimate goal of all world leaders – to do what everyone else has failed at – to be ‘The One’. Remember Oprah referring to Obama? She’s talking about the ‘one’ that can put things right in the world. But Obama is not what I want to draw attention to here and merely used him as an example.
Think this fanatical goal is a little far fetched? It’s not really, it’s what I would want to do if I was a big-time world leader with a giant ego as most world leaders are beneath their ‘personable’ outward appearance. Watch this American preacher (don’t panic – he’s not a charlatan $$ ££ monger, he’s pretty genuine as modern TV preacher go, mentioning earlier in the video referring himself to the wolves and prosperity teachers in the the church today) go through all the ‘Middle East’ peace treaties that have been ‘brokered’ (and failed) over the last 40 years alone and be amazed (or tickled) at the determination these ego-driven politicians* have to be the ones to make this happen (*of course there are some genuine politicians out there with a quest for peace who are doing it for the right reasons – Benjamin Netanyahu is clearly one, despite the medias relentless attempt to blacken this man’s name and intentions by manipulating a dumbed down population who have not done their homework, or even picked up a holy book, let alone read it and so unlike him, have no idea what they are dealing with).
Of course the reason these politicians are hell bent (literally) on doing this is obvious – a peace deal in this region is the ‘only’ way in humanistic terms that peace could ever be achieved on earth – i.e – total control of the people, but under the guise of freedom, and a control that The Bible clearly describes will come to pass in Revelation.
But of course none of these politicians consult God on this issue – preferring to play God themselves (seeing themselves as enlightened apart from the masses despite the fact that their entire script has been written word for word beforehand in The Bible ahead of time just so those that love God know they are dealing with the real deal) and see it as their mission to make it happen – and forcibly if necessary (since most powerful people believe it’s OK to do dark deeds to bring about long-term ‘good’, so long as the end goal is ‘good’). Enjoy the video.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: