Alright – it’s quite old news but for those that haven’t picked up on it yet I thought I’d show you your new bosses! If you’ve been reading any of 101ChristianNetwork’s articles for the last few years you may have picked up that we believe the fast forming global government will consist not of politicians – but CEOs and scientists (with a few politicians up front now relegated to delivery boys and girls to declare to us simpletons the ‘best’ courses of action for our ‘nations’) 🙂
Politicians are out (*puppets need only only) – techies re in – forever!

Meet the new bosses! If you haven’t noticed – it is CEO’s (big fish!), scientists and ex-politicians dedicated to globalism (much like these) are the new self-appointed leaders of our world 🙂
I as one amongst many in the past have been writing an allegorical book about this since 2005 – but I am noticing (as of 2021) on Youtube and other platforms videos are popping up where ‘enlightened’ folks such as Russel Brand and many others are cottoning on (actually Russel is doing quite a good job educating the people that don’t have time to study, but he is still under the illusion that these things are somehow happening organically and can be altered by discussion and somehow ‘rising up’ – I am certain global leaders laugh inwardly when they see and hear this. It requires something else (read on if you’d like to know – a clue is in The Bible – surprise!).
Supra-national Puppets are being installed at break-neck speed and I wager the techies will give one the ‘top’ job (temp position of course)

Meet the old bosses! Our ‘national’ ‘leaders’ proudly tell us of their subservience to supra-national entities over the countries they ‘lead.’ After all, wars are caused by borders – not men and nations coveting other men and nation’s stuff right?! (formerly known as ‘sin’). I would wager one politician is ‘handed’ the top job – Trudeau would fit the bill perfectly – time will tell.
Our national leaders as we can all clearly now see – have been put in place by higher powers and serve a greater entity than their country. National pride, religion (they call superstition), natural medicine (by advocating the practical worship of science as infallible – history shows us this is rarely the case), paper money and a thousand other things are the old order – and it is their job amongst other things to ensure the people of their nations to accept this. We have a new Utopia awaiting us if only we could see – but we can’t – so they must help us along the way. Imposition I’m afraid is their only answer. To be honest I understand their thinking – because they lack nothing in terms of knowledge, finance and – but unfortunately they lack wisdom. Why do they lack this? That’s another article (a previous one).
A carefully crafted global PR script

The G7 was held at Carbis Bay Estate next to St Ives Cornwall as part of a carefully crafted theatrical event. There is nothing new under the rainbow!
We are not ignorant of the schemes of men because there really is nothing new under the rainbow! Having worked in media and advertising I know that EVERYTHING you see on TV and in the media is carefully contrived by PR companies – even down to picking the old world of Little Englanders as an disarming venue for the G7 to show they care about the small man! Right 🙂
Scientists & CEOs running the world is old news
C.S.Lewis wrote of CEO’s and scientists and businessmen running the world way back in 1945 with his great but largely unheard and probably unread book That Hideous Strength. As we witnessed, scientists had a big say in the political decisions made in the despots of WWII – and why shouldn’t scientists advise world leaders? The problem is we are deifying science – science is the new god and has been for many for a long long time.
An allure of power only the strongest mind sealed by God could resist
Can you IMAGINE the allure of an unspoken promise of power given to politicians by tech and science bosses of seats at this emerging table of world governance? Only the strongest of men and women could resist this promise of power – and I would argue it would be impossible without faith in God. What could possibly go wrong with an AI supercomputer running everything that we created?
National leaders have not been running things for some time

Scientists and big tech are sure good at making ‘beans’ – but could they make a bean?
As you probably noticed – it’s not just any CEOs but specifically tech CEO’s from science and industry that are making the decisions that are running the world – it’s big tech and big pharma – you can’t have too many cooks. But why should the techies rule the world? Simple – it’s only right.
These are the descendants (not by blood but by occupation) of those that gave us all that’s good in the world (and much is truly wonderful); running clean water, smart phones, trips to the moon. Yet I was wandering in my mothers’a garden today (not basement;) and I saw a bean – actually the one pictured. A question popped into my head; scientists and businessmen can do everything including making ‘beans’ by the bucketload – but could they actually make a grain of sand from nothing – or dare I say a simple bean? I suspect in time they will or claim it at least as they have created ‘life’! (watch brilliant scientist James Tour dismantle this silly claim).
Then there are pharmaceuticals (The Bible uses the greek; pharmakia). We won’t mention weapons and profiteering from war and sickness as that takes the shine off somewhat. Or that annoying fact that in the last century alone more blood was spilled with the use of technology that all other centuries combined.
The original purpose of science was to unlock God’s secrets – now it is to lock up God
We’ve heard the story where the learned men attempted scaled the heights only to find a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries and nothing really changes. The ‘book’ of our life turns out to be DNA – the circle of the earth – running water to prevent infection and on it goes. Bible reading Christians always figure out the pattern things first because we have the blueprint for humanity’s course. “Test me in this” says God, “that I tell you the beginning from the end.” Well – that would be the ultimate test of authority wouldn’t it? What is AI all about – predicting the future before it happens and knowing every person on earth’s thoughts. Becoming gods. It’s not a secret – they use words. As always – there is nothing evil in and of itself – it’s always men or should I say mankind.
So perhaps it is best to think twice about making science our god. But in the main sincere has improved a massive amount of things and this was all fine – until we decided we no longer needed God. That’s when things started going to pot. And yet no scientist has been able to produce a single grain of sand – let alone life or sentience.
Repent and return to me and I will heal their land
As Christian though we must understand – the course of people, families, nations and the world can ONLY be changed if the people of God return to Him. It doesn’t require the masses or clever politicians or scientists at all – hence the scramble to find a means to impose digital ID globally which will facilitate the tight control of religion – and I mean Christianity – the pesky superstition and thorn in the side of globalists and progress that spreads through peace and paradoxically multiplies when it’s adherents are persecuted – ie they cannot control it).
If we don’t repent and turn to God – soon we will all be digital slaves – small and great, rich and poor, free and bond
Several years back I wrote an article on the way we would all soon be added to the blockchain that will be linked to our ability to buy and sell – and that the big hoohaa about decentralised cryptos would all come to nought because it’s a doddle for powerful people to incentivise the sleeping masses to use their up and coming currencies with all manner of perks (just look at the V rollout for a taster of what’s coming).
It’s (always been) about consolidation of wealth and power – yawn!
The rich (I don’t mean scientists here) rarely invent anything themselves and normally hijack something someone else has toiled over with a cannot refuse buyout – it’s always about the money. It’s why I won’t sell my sites and services despite many offers. This new ‘mark’ if you like will integrate our digital and biological ID as Klaus has gleefully explain to us know-nothings and all that don’t go along will of course be deemed as selfish danger to the rest and moved away from the masses so they don’t have to trouble their minds more than necessary. Time to get our houses in order Christians.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: