Spiritual Growth

Meditate on What is Good and Lovely…

And before you get up in arms, I’m not talking about the new-age yet old-as-the-hills kind of “ummmm..” type, empty-your-mind sort of meditation that has crept into the church, as if God responds to noises and clicks and bumps and specific commands like a genie, but the proper meaning of mediation – to think on/about – to consider in light of God

I think something we Christians (and probably everyone else) with the advent of YouTube and the Internet – mixed blessing that they are – are suffering from is bad-news overload. We all know that in the big-league (not ‘bigly’ as the press seem to think The Donald is saying – where have these people been for 30 years?.. then again perhaps most modern journalists are likely 20-somethings) the world is run by the wealthy and most strings are in fact pulled from behind the scenes, no surprises there – The Bible tells us so – that men will conspire against their fellow man and more foolishly God, just like all fallen humans try to pull strings in the backgrounds of our own and others lives to manipulate circumstances in our own favour our own little micro-worlds, until the small still voice reminds we cannot attain anything by such means and only move ourselves backwards.

How did I get onto that?.. back to my point. Yes the world is evil and run by the Devil, but we Christians need to grow up and mature and go beyond the purely ‘watchman’ YouTube conspiracy theories all day long stage, and grow spiritually and start not just exposing others bad deeds (always remembering our own), but server others in any small way we can. Serve our neighbours – literally – those people we don’t bother to talk to because we are convinced they have no desire to know God and therefore don’t deserve His grace like we do.

Conspiracies exist – The Bible says so – but don’t just dwell on these

YouTube’s ‘The Vigilante Christian’ sums this dwelling too much on what is evil, and not on what is good, lovely and pure as The Bible tells us very well. And remember, God blessed us so we can bless others – otherwise there would be no point and I think we forget that sometimes in out cosy towers of salvation.

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