How do we know this? because we have 3 great religions filled with masses of people, and ALL are exclusive and ALL are 100% convinced they are right and ALL think the other group has got it wrong!
So why have we gone from thinking that consensus is better that conviction when it comes to deciding whether something is right? I’ll take a guess; because we do not believe it absolutes any more and morals and God have been thrown out with the bath water, so like blind animals leading the blind we are left with no option but to enforce a pseudo-peace and security on society, rather than to do what the Bible commands – for us to take responsibility ourselves for our own actions, to be repentant of our sins and to seek God on a personal level regarding our betterment and to personally take it upon ourselves to take care of our neighbours.
We are not supposed to leave it to some government. Government should be small and we the people – and the church should be the ones that take care of the vulnerable in society. This is the reason why corrupt governments always seek to ever expand – because they know a dependent society is a controllable society – which leave the career politicians to do as they wish without anyone noticing and as many backroom deals with ‘special interests’ (an awful word better translated as ‘corrupt trade deals’) as they like.
Another thing I note is that the socialists always come out and demand the spreading of the wealth AFTER the entrepreneurs have helped to get them employment and raise their standard of living. They stand of the shoulders of hard working business men and women – granted many may have wrong motives, but many have good ones and enjoy using their talents to employ and empower others to bring them up to the ladder – when they demand that the government start robbing those same people and handing it out to not just the poor, widows and children as is right – but them.
Some accuse Margaret Thatcher of being hard and heartless. When you listen to her she is anything but and her Christian background comes through. She says she believed firmly in a ‘safety net’ for the very poor. But that we must not strangle ingenuity and business makers as they create the wealth and jobs that are needed to bring all out of poverty. She also notes the common misconception that simply ‘taxing the rich’ – a sometimes warranted demand but but normally the mantra of jealousy – it is pointless from a monetary point of view since the super rich make up only a tiny % of the population.
Another point she makes – common sense with no economics degree required – is that the spreading of wealth can only go so far before it begins to have a negative effect on societies overall wealth and people start to become poorer. These are biblical principles; work hard – earn your money and look after the very poorest yourself – but for those that don’t work – the Bible says bluntly – they won’t don’t eat.
And like the question; what is real wealth and and how do we get it, there is the issue of what is real freedom and security. Just like ‘fixing’ the threat of poverty with socialism is just a band-aid – so is an enforced ‘freedom’ – once were we are all monitored day and night by way of political correctness and other means not a real solution to the problem. Real freedom comes to a nation when men and women on an individual basis start to know and live by the ten commandments on a personal daily basis; Do not covet, do not steal, honour they parents.
If my people…
The Bible says IF THE PEOPLE seek my face – these Bible truths cannot and will not be stopped from seeping into the culture and society, and eventually the laws and corrupt governors of the land will no longer be able to hide. Regardless the sins of men or the wrongful actions of a country’s leaders, like disinfectant, the truth affects the land, laws and law courts, so bad things and bad men are brought into the light by the unstoppable power of the simple and plain truth. But it must come from and start with the people – not the government the Bible says.
Margaret Thatcher – daughter of an English grocer, local preacher, says in perfectly in this interview;
“You can have total security without any freedom”
It has to be said, that according to Revelations, this is where the Devil is taking us and looking at recent world politics this is where we are undoubtedly heading!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: