Watch this 40 year old full-colour documentary and you will be as shocked to the core as I was when you see that racketeers have been running the church from the beginning – for years and years – and years, using the same old tricks – namely whipping people up into an emotional frenzy by employing just about everything in the book, from manipulative music to gold fairy dust falling from the ceiling – all in a successful effort to distract church members from what’s actually going on – namely to extract as much $$$$cash from the congregation as possible, taking the phrase ‘fleecing the flock’ to a whole new level.
Every church member should see this as a warning
In this documentary called ‘Marjoe’ you will see many of the things that fooled Christians in the 80’s and 90’s (and still today in many mega ‘churches’) that had they seen this old video that includes all the same stuff – laying on of hands for emotional manipulation, shaking, twisting, gobbledegook, frenzied music and always followed by the offering plate several dozen times with expected promise of wealth for those that give freely to the ’cause’ – namely the bank balance of the preacher – the whole thing ending up looking more like a voodoo gig than a sober and reverent Christian gathering, they would have realised the same tricks designed to empty their pockets were going on 20-30 years prior and no doubt it was going on from the beginning! It’s like watching a Benny Hinn gig with a time machine. Don’t get me wrong – it’s not the God-fearing people in the congregation I blame – according to the preacher in the video it’s his and ‘pastors’ like him who are at fault.
Prosperity teachers fleecing the flock is not new
It’s been happening since the dawn of Christianity in one form or another. That’s why Jesus warned us over and over about wolves and not to be deceived. And perhaps you think this isn’t going on today in churches everywhere?.. I mean who wants to be lied to or find out that they have been lied to for many years? None of us, but it’s about time we Christians woke up and smelled the coffee. These men (and it’s mainly men, but many women are getting in on the act) have been fleecing the flock and finding new and ingenious ways to build a large bank balance by building a big church – making merchandise out of God’s people for years, and with today’s technology and people’s ears ever more itching to hear smooth words it’s only getting worse.
At least this guy is honest enough to admit what he is doing
As you watch the documentary you are struck by a kind of sadness that this guy is ‘honest’ in the sense that he was roped into it by his family from the age of 5 by his mother and father who trained him to wow crowds and manipulate them, but eventually out of guilt he throws in the towel – more than can be said for many of todays preachers who go right on deceiving.
I have come to the sad conclusion that most of these prosperity teachers (I think it’s often referred to as word-faith’ movement nowadays as that makes it a bit more palatable) don’t actually don’t actually believe God is real or that He is looking over their shoulder, since these are highly intelligent men and women who know what The Bible says is the penalty for intentionally leading the flock astray – namely it’s worse than for pagans and those that have never heard the gospel than for those that know it like the back of their hand yet trample all over it to make cash$$$. The only conclusion one can come to is that they must have no belief in or fear of God to continually do what they do.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: