I feel a conviction in my spirit to chip in some tactics that can help add some spice and can bless your long distance marriage or relationship. To to begin with, l don’t admire or envy you all, courting over many miles, it is far from easy trying to keep up with everyday calls, unending chats and text messages and so on especially if your hearts and eyes are eager to see each other like every minute. Most times you are forces to save so much to make that trip or flight over there once in a while. I know my Brothers can relate very well with this one, when you are one travelling over to see her, you’ll pay and if she is the one travelling over to see you, you’ll pay. They way God this provision thing, Hmmmmmmmm, it is well with you Brother.
What l really need to share with you is simple ways that can help you triple the results in your relationship and collect your extra points in your spouse love board.
Listen with your heart, when you are in distance relationship you can not be the only one dating your partner. Hold on, don’t make noise, l can pretty see that look in your like uhhhhh? You mean my partner is allowed to date others outside me? What is she talking about now? Duhhh? Hang on a bite, l will make this more clear for you to understand in a minute.
Most people always make the mistake of thinking that a long distance relationship is fed and nurtured the same way as close relationship. No my beloved. It doesn’t work the same way when you want to get the best out of it. In a close relationship, the only person dating your partner is you. You buy your partner gifts, you take partner shopping, you bring flowers, you order the chocolates, you take partner to the movies, you plan all the dinner dates and all those romantic things, just you. Many times with no help at all. But to save a long distance relationship from boredom. You cannot be the only one dating your partner, l mean you need to be friends with those people your partner hangs out with, you will need their help to do for your partner, some of the things you are not there to physically do like family, best friends, close colleagues at work, a roomie and close friends at Church. Believe you understand this now.
Some time when l was gone for a while, l chose one of the brothers close friends and secretly planned with him to take Brother out to any restaurant of his choice and spoil him with anything he wants to eat. It was amazing, although l could not be there, l realised l don’t have to be there to put smile on his face and the date was beautifully executed as planned.
Basically, it is romantic error to not be close to at least one of your partners colleague at work or one of her friends at church, you can not do long distance relationship all by yourself. It will just get tough fast, very boring as such, you need the people in your partners life distance dater.
Make a plan with her colleague at work to bring her pizza for lunch, plan with one of his boys to take him bowling, plan with his friend that sells nice cologne to surprise him with a bag. You know that friend that advertises nice bags and shoes on her status, order one and have her package delivered on your behalf, you don’t have to be there, brother/sister. Have one of his friends at church take him to eat after service, wouldn’t that be wonderful sister? You can plan something with her sisters to make your partners day special. The challenge is that some of us want to keep our relationship as possible.
You cannot do long distance relationship like that ,l know a brother who gets very upset each time his partner calls him with her sisters phone when she is low in airtime credit. Long distance dater, it will tire you very quickly, find a close few friends in the picture, trust me you need them, you cannot do this on your own, believe me.
Wouldn’t you try this simple tricks out, if it can help you do a way with a boring one-way-traffic relationship/marriage.
I’m 25 years of age and live in Kampala – Uganda.
I’m a qualified communication strategist, freelance writer, volleyball and handball player. Friendly and honest person and l value and respect others, but above all l love God.