Watching this video and you could be forgiven for thinking how cool and sophisticated these people appear in their chosen ‘business’ of investing and ‘trading’ in stocks or the reporting thereof. In actual fact they are not doing any business, and they are not doing any trading of anything tangible at all. And this article doesn’t reveal anything new – the people that do this have known from the beginning that what we are talking about here is non-productive (yes – ultimately technology does not make us more fulfilled but less fulfilled, less reliant on God and separates us from the people we should be connected to (family and local community)) and purely based on money and greed. We all know and have read about studies that show that the happiest people on earth are always those in small, often poor (in cash) communities.
Ironically the only people that might not see trading in stocks and shares and the stock exchanges for what it is, are every day people like you and I – the people that I fondly call (but the elite who have not understood that the meek are the ones that will actually inherit the earth less than fondly call) the ‘little’ people that watch the news and the people on television that make this dubious activity look ‘serious’ (most of them probably believing falsely that it’s a legitimate and wholesome and honest business – let’s face it – by investing in Apple Im helping to create jobs right? – no you are helping to perpetuate the myth that rich people are happy people and humanity needs companies like Apple at all) and that’s the point of my article – to inform anyone that might think trading on stocks and shares is a good ‘business’ to go into – sorry to burst your bubble (no pun intended) but it isn’t!
The LOVE of money is the root of all evil
What these ‘traders’ are doing is simply betting – nothing more – nothing less. If I were running things I would force all these stock exchanges to operate only in Las Vegas where they belong. The NYSE and the others are nothing more than a giant, God-less casino for adults that still want to behave like children – only with other people’s money.
There will be work to do but no stock exchange in heaven
The Bible wasn’t wrong when it described what makes this world tick, since we all know that there are deeper spiritual forces behind greed and The Bible here is accurately describing the day to day practical root of all evil on earth, and not in the spiritual realm – it’s the love of money – not money itself which like everything has no good or evil in itself. It’s how we idolise it and what we do with it that can become evil.
Watch how serious these presenters are when they discuss this racket as if it has an ounce of legitimacy along with the people that spend their days doing it and be amazed.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: