
Lift Your Spouse in Prayer

While l was having lunch at home with this three stunning ladies and l couldn’t resist listening to their conversation. The ladies were talking about how married men are away better lovers than single men.

One was boldly lecturing the other ladies about how married men take better care of their mistresses even more than they take care of their own wives at home. It went on and on about how married men are more responsible, committed and financially stable to meet their needs. So for this reason they only have eyes for dating married men.

Hmmm. Women learn how to pray for your husbands no matter how faithful and overly committed to God he is, even if he’s a pastor and Bishop, he’s still a man with blood flowing through his veins. Pray for your husband, the devil we are playing games with is not playing games with us at all. The devil does not need an invitation to tempt anyone – he does not want for you to come to him, he comes after you with a bag of tricks. Pray for your man, do not get comfortable with the fact that he is a good man and a Good chaser, do not relax on your knees because you are confident that he carries the holy Spirit, temptation has no respect for stars. Temptation knows no place, time or season.

You know the story of Jesus, Jesus Christ was tempted even after sanctifying himself in the wilderness for days and nights with a fast, the devil still tried him, you can only imagine how other apostles were feeling when Jesus Christ told Peter he will deny him three times before dawn. I can imagine what their side reaction would have been, some would have said “uhmmmmm, this one? This man that can die for you? This man that loves you more than we do? This leader? This rock? This one that walked in walk on water with you? Never! The holy spirit in him is too much for him to fall…” But look what happened, l guess we all know how that story ended up.

So pray for your husband sister, don’t  sleep off all your nights, sometimes wake up at night, kneel over his bedside and update his operating system with prayer, he needs it. Some mornings before he steps out of the house for work ask him to kneel, than lay hands and cover him. It’s not about him being faithful, it’s about other women who cannot keep their unfaithfulness to themselves.

Understand this men, you are the head, and the anointing is supposed to flow from the beard of Aaron down to the Hem of his garment, you have a bigger responsibility of praying for yourself, never leave the covering to your wife alone. Be responsible for your headship Brother, protect it safely. And try so much to stay in one place do that your wife’s prayer can work on you.

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