
Libyan PM Warns Terrorists could be Entering Europe Posing as Refugees

Is this news?.. I’m not sure it is. Didn’t the enemies of the western free world tell us personally, from their own lips that they would be doing this about three or four, or five and more years ago? And wasn’t it obviously going to happen anyway, leading to many a conspiracy theorist to believe it must be being orchestrated by globalists (more specifically the central bankers) in order to create the necessary chaos that they need to grab more power and reduce our freedoms even more?

Well as usual the main stream media is about 15 years behind (not by accident) and we see on Yahoo and other outlets that this ‘might’ be happening. I mean don’t these folks ever put themselves in the enemy’s shoes; the fact is, leaving borders wide open is the perfect opportunity for the enemies of freedom and should and will be exploited at all costs in their view. So anyway, here’s the ‘duh’ moment from Yahoo ‘news’;

“Terrorists could be entering Europe on boats posing as refugees, the prime minister of Libya has warned.

Falez Serrai, who is head of the UN-backed unity government in the country’s capital Tripoli, told The Times that potential attackers may be among thousands of migrants able to cross the Mediterreanean And he warned that this could have dire consequences for Europe.

He said: “When migrants reach Europe, they will move freely.

“If, God forbid, there are terrorist elements among the migrants, a result of any incident will affect all of the EU.”

See the full ‘news’ article here.

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