
Keeping The Commandments of God

My thoughts today..

Bonnie religious ten_commandmentsI find it interesting that the commands God gave Moses are not actually (when you really consider it) that hard to keep (unlike the dozens of laws that Moses decreed that by their great number alone makes them hard to adhere to since learning them would be hard in itself).

No, in my experience, it’s far more difficult to give my time to someone in need, forgive a neighbour, or avoid gossip or sinning in our hearts and minds when no one is looking than to keep the ten commandments – which are written in our hearts.

Whilst I believe we are not saved by works and also that our sins are now under the perfect lamb’s blood – i.e we are no longer under condemnation of death for sin and now look to Jesus blood for forgiveness of sins rather than that of a ‘perfect’ animal sacrifice, could it be that God is on our side and asks us only what we are able to do with his help?

Which one of the 10 commandments is too difficult for us? It really does seem as if Jesus was speaking the truth when he said; “my yolk is easy and my burden is light.” God help us to keep your commands and be a light to the world.

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