Something is wrong with the world. Yes we all know that but I mean really – really wrong. What has to happened to someone in their life, so that their conscience is so seared, that they are willing to spoon noodles into their mouth (or sip Martini depending on which video you watch) and discuss the ‘going’ price for body parts? Just listen to the way this person substitutes ‘nice’ ‘palatable’ words to replace the word ‘head’ etc. I actually couldn’t watch more than about 1 minute of this film without feeling physically sick at the state we are in. And I am not talking about mothers who in many cases it could be argued should be forgiven for making mistakes because they might have become pregnant under dreadful circumstances, be poor, ill, misinformed as to how it will affect them later, given bad advice and just unable to cope. But the people in these videos – they should know better.
You will see just how low the human being is able to stoop once it has given itself over to the belief (I am assuming as no other explanation seems to account for this), that no one is looking over it’s shoulder (and by that I mean God) and that no one will hold them accountable, and see how it naturally follows that life and death become cheap and of no consequence. I use the term ‘it’ to refer to the person(s) involved here since that clearly seems to reflect how they view human life – it is not a human being they are discussing – to them it really is an it – a thing to be bought and sold.
But, this should also be a warning to all of us lest we think we would never commit such dreadful acts. Before we get on our high horses, let’s make no mistake; The Bible is very clear that all of us – and I mean all – are capable of unspeakable evil if we are put under enough pressure from the world and forget where we came from, who we serve and lose our fear of the Lord.
I didn’t want to post this video to be honest, as it’s too sensitive – too upsetting for those that have gone through this kind of trauma and perhaps regretted it, and too controversial, but the babies involved keep playing on my mind to speak up for them. We must complain at the people in videos (Google the subject to find the other videos).

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: