Thoughts this morning: When I was young and had just become a Christian at around twenty years old, and had never really studied the Bible, and knew very little about the history or authenticity of Christianity or Christ as a real person and the resurrection being a real event, I still had this gut feeling that that just believing alone was somehow ‘right’, even though I knew I was a sinner, because it showed the desires of my heart – that I was drawn to the goodness and righteousness of the story of Christ – God’s gift to us, even though at the time Jesus was somewhat mythical and I had no idea that years later I would discover that he is the least mythical part of history in existence.
This morning I have just remembered this ‘naive’ faith that I had earl on. No one had told me this – the idea that somehow believing alone in Jesus was enough that I had at the beginning of my journey. But little did i know that years would follow where I began to question and try to answer what I thought were the real and important questions necessary for credible faith (contradiction in terms as faith is faith in th something you can’t prove!:); is the Bible accurate?.. was Jesus raised from the dead?.. why so many denominations and confusion in the church?.. etc etc that would eventually seriously affect my faith. indeed though I never lost belief in God (I can’t look at creation and not see God), my understanding of Jesus and church and my faith generally became shaky for the next fifteen or so years to the point where I nearly gave in, seeing so many conflicting views, denominations and theologies. I did eventually stop going to church.
I knew something had to change. Either I must find out that it has all been concocted by manipulative men and religions, or that maybe if I was brave enough to really study – could it all really be true? I told God I couldn’t carry on in faith of something i didn’t even know wether it had really happened, where everyone has a different angle or story on Christianity and religion. I took a desperate step. I finally, nervously asked God to show me the truth – and prepared myself for my worst nightmare – that I would get no answer and find that it’s all a sham. But sometimes when your back is against the wall – things really start to happen.
I said; God – please – I desperately need you yourself to reveal truths to me – so I can trust what I am learning. So that I can know if what I read, see or hear is the truth. Without realising it, I was effectively asking the Holy Spirit to confirm or reject anything I came across and help me to test spirits. Later I would find out that we can specifically ask this from God! It’s in the Bible and HE will confirm or deny truths for you IF you are open to hearing what you don’t always want to hear (that last bit is vitally important if you want to hear the whisper of God’s spirit:).
I got some boldness in my spirit again, and started to study Christianity fearlessly, half thinking I would find out the horrible truth that it was all a made up – mish-mash of paganism, old events and nonsense designed to keep the masses in order, and in a way happy that if this were the case – at least I would no longer be pulled in all directions – tossed like a ship. But then something happened.
As I studied, answers began to flood in, so many I could hardly take it all in. My questions one by one began to be answered. For example; in my spirit I had always felt uncomfortable feeling that in order to grow and learn about the real things fo God, I must go to church, or talk to a ‘learned’ church elder to get answers to my questions. Whilst I still believe this is a great way to learn – especially when you start, my problem was, if I could only be taught by learned men – what about everyone else, what about little children, what about deaf people, what about those in remote places where there are no churches, what about the five thousand different views on theology and so on?
Then, to my amazement, I discovered this had been covered in the Bible in several places coming from the wisdom of men under the influence of God’s Spirit and tried by thousands of years of wisdom (this is what I learned The Bible actually is!). 1) The Bible says the Holy Spirit can teach you ALL things – WOW! 2) A man will be judged according to his gifts and what he knows (not what he doesn’t know!) – thus those people that never hear the gospel and children are safe in God’s justice 3) God’s justice is perfect – we never have to fear he will be ‘unfair’ with a single soul 4) The Bible confirms that men and churches will create traditions and rituals that are indeed powerless and therefore not to be disheartened as I was when I saw it – but to EXPECT IT and go to church not for myself (as I always had done) but to strengthen where there is a weakness, to enlighten where appropriate but mainly to serve – revolutionary? hardly – that was Jesus primary goal!
The greatest thing happened right at the end of my studies and is in part what i am writing about today. The most amazing discovery of all is that after all the study, after all the questions after all the anguish I have been brought right back to the beginning – full circle to a simple little saying that we all know and say – many like I not really grasping how anything so simple, could possibly save someone’s soul.. that we are told only to BELIEVE and to LOVE GOD with all thy heart and soul and strength – this IS enough and thank God it is!!!
No learning, no college, no understanding, no works, no good behaviour whilst all good, recommended and desirable, can save us – but LOVE GOD and you will desire to do all these things and keep his commands and see the fruit of it. I believe we are under the saving grace of Jesus’ blood – meaning sins can be forgiven, now without need for blood to be shed of perfect animals or our blood, but that He wants us to keep his commands primarily by loving him which will allow us to desire to keep the other commands naturally rather than as a struggle, commands that if kept in will give us real life on this earth!
So do your studies, do you’re research go to college but be prepared to find at the end of it all to be back where you started, and that it is so, so simple. He who believes Jesus was the Christ and only begotten son of God is all it takes for entrance into heaven. Why?.. because your belief in this GOOD and wonderful story (that happens to be true) are enough to demonstrate what your heart desires – justice and goodness for yourself and others and works will follow and though they will not give you entrance into heave, are necessary for reward in heaven. A desire for goodness – for what’s right is the story of Jesus – God humbling himself before man – God’s gift and sacrifice – Just believe!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: