
Jesus Led from The Bottom Not The Top

Jesus Christ led from the bottom as the ‘Chief Cornerstone’ (not ‘capstone’ as NIV calls Jesus wrongly). When he did lead from the front, that was only the way it appeared as really he was always at the bottom – a servant of man and his people – happier to wash their feet than to wipe them out as they deserved. Jesus led from the front only in as far as he led by example – do as I do not just what I say. But he never led from the top!

So why do so many of us want to get to and stay at the top? All sensible people know that once you get there there is nothing there. Much more beneficial for you and others to lead from the bottom – from the grass roots where the real action and needs of the people are.

I mean this world is not just different to God’s way of thinking , it’s 180 degrees diametrically opposite – as far is east is from west. Think about it; we glorify someone that is able to hum a tune with a thousand notes in one second to nonsense lyrics about little more than nothing, who leads a dreadful lifestyle, is a dreadful role model and hold that up as the highest form of achievement.

This is nothing short of N.U.T.S! The people who should really be lifted up are not the ‘artisans’ and web entrepreneurs (like myself – a ridiculous phrase and embarrassment of a job I always think), not the vacuous celebrities and TV soap stars, not the great philosophers and learned men – no – we should lift up the people with real jobs! The toilet cleaners, the missionaries, the bus drivers, the soldiers, the doctors, nurses, policemen, the politicians – woops I didn’t mean that last one!

We do want honest politicians, but a rock-solid Christian in power is very unlikely – therefore we must pray for the leaders God appoints – who are often a mix of characteristics – and put there to fulfil prophecy and His will

Jesus never got involved in politics and never encouraged us to do it either – his only encouragement was separation of church and state – sorry to burst your bubble all you aspiring Christian politicians! ‘Someone’s got to do it‘ is not good enough – unless you really feel called to get into politics solely to tell the truth (beware you need to be made of steel and will have all hell and most of the financial and political sytstem against you) most of us don’t need to worry about making it ‘big’. Lets tend to our fellow man on ground zero as Christ did, not political ground ‘nowhere to be seen but the golf course!

It reminds me of an old story told long ago about a serpent who also wanted desperately to be at the top. Have you read that story? It’s definitely worth taking to heart as even Jesus said; “many who are first will be last and many that are last will be first.”

This is why the Jews missed him, as they were convinced the Messiah (a man to Jews – go research this) would come as a lion and never a lamb as in fact he had to come. Of course when he returns next time he will be that lion! Mad as hell, and lead from the front – on every front with a rod of iron!

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