Really? OK first off let me say I am not going to say here which side of the fence I am on – that is not the point regarding the timing of the rapture. The point is I just heard a pastor say the best argument for pre-tribulation was ’eminence’ – basicly meaning; if you believe in a post trib-rapture then ‘Jesus cannot come at any time’ sonce many parts of prophecies must be fulfilled first.
OK let’s put the prophecies issue aside first as that’s a whole new argument and imagine though that there was something to be done before Jesus’ coming. So yes – on a first plain reading of the text – pre-trib rapture is the inly option. But hang on…
Yesterday I was having a discussion with my mother about her upcoming trip abroad for a holiday. Now I know for a fact that before she comes back she first has to do many things – pack her suitcase – get to the airport and get to and from the holiday destination.
Now we began to discuss her arrival home date and I said; “so when are you coming back then” to which she replied; “well I have an open ticket so I could arrive home any time.”
Now I don’t feel I really need to say much more, as we can clearly see there are many things that are eminent and need to be done BEFORE she arrives home. So I would say we need to really imagine ourselves talking to the biblical characters in real life situations when trying to get a handle on things.
Imagine YOU Are Having The Conversation With The Biblical Character
An example would be like saying (as many do) that Jesus only rattling off 5-6 of the 10 commandments must mean we only need to keep 5-6 of them and not the ones not mentioned of the 10 commandments. But again hold on… who in a normal conversation if they were discussing this issue would actually say; “You’ve heard it said, have no false Gods, to honour thy mother father” and then proceed to go through all 10 of the commands just so that 2000 later your followers would know for sure that we were to keep all 10 of the commandments and not just 5-6. Besides – which one of the 10 commandments shouldn’t we be keeping and which one is so hard we cannot keep it? Commandment 4 is the only one that might raise an issue here and Jesus himself and his disciples all kept the 7th day holy and rested from work.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: