Look – we all want to believe that there is a single tier to justice that we all have to abide by – and there is NO DOUBT that freedom and justice is far far better in the West – especially in countries where the Bible has historically been read and understood by the common man (despite the fact we are dong our best to remove all traces of it and it’s effects) – and as a result the people have over time felt empowered and emboldened by God’s Word to hold their King and leaders’s feet to the fire (and this freedom and law is not because of our honest politicians or people either – let’s not think more of ourselves than we ought) but it’s time to re-examine the truth.
This is no silly conspiracy – men have ALWAYS conspired to make things go in a direction that favour their interests and always will – the Bible promises this!
That truth is this – and this is seen in the bible over and over (and we all know but like to believe it’s not true) that their and always will be 2 or more tiers of justice – 1 for the average man – 1 for the well-connected and complicit wealthy. Sorry but it’s always been a fact? How do we really know this? Because all young men’s goals are to become wealth and get connected so they can make use of the ‘access’ and freebies that becoming a worldling will not fail to bring – in fact in the Bible Satan PROMISES IT to all those that will throw down their faith in God’s providence and sacrifice.
Getting our own houses in order
What does this mean? It means we as Christians must focus not just on calling out corruption (we should not stop this – it’s a duty – “deny me (The Truth) and I will deny you,” Jesus said) on SELF REFORM. But in case you are still holding on to the fallacy that this is not true – that the mountains of career politicians we now have play and are judged by the same rules – perhaps you should hear it from an insider.
This guy has had his eyes opened to a large extent and his diagnosis is correct. However the place where he is wrong is his prognosis at the end. He believes that there is a human solution to the problem. He is wrong – why? Simple – because men can and always will – even good ones – given the right incentive or facing a calamitous situation of enough magnitude – be bribed. So he is knowledgable – but not wise and does not fully understand the human condition. He understands the corruption in China – but he does not understand that this is present in ALL men’s hearts and so western business men and politicians in this world of global finance will always undermine their own country’s security given enough sweeteners. The playing field between doing what’s right and wrong is not even. Given his humanitarian viewpoint than we can fix the underlying problem I suspect he is not a Christian. “If my PEOPLE (not “if my politicians…”) will repent and turn to me I will heal their land,” is the ONLY HOPE.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)