Look. you don’t need to abolish borders and countries to have a single world government. That is the thing that makes most ordinary folk like you and me believe that it could never happen – because they cannot envisage a world with no country borders, despite most of the world leaders doing their best to ignore and even open them up as wide as possible and let the baddies flow wherever they want.
Governments have allowed ISIS everywhere. It’s only a matter of time before all the world’s people demand ID for every person on the planet as the answer – a politicians dream
Believe it or not – once all people on the planet are tracked – everywhere, regardless of what countries and borders you have – you actually have a single world government wether you like it or not. It may be disguised to look all nice and friendly and appear to respect sovereign nations and borders, but when push comes to shove – a person in once country will be subject to all the same laws as any person in another and powers already exist to move people from ‘country’ to ‘country’ for no proven crime.
And let’s not think this is some nutty conspiracy. You have to understand that the worlds’ leaders – most of them Godless in the sense they have no fear or regard for the God we know, actually believe with all their heart that a single world government os the answer to all the world’s problems – and in fact – they are right* And they have for decades and decades and decades been having meetings (on video) where they actually state this as their goal. Hillary Clinton is one – on video – don’t take my word for it!
Please note my * above. I put that there because a single world government is in fact the answer to all the world’s problems – IF – and I repeat – IF – you can a world leader that is not, and will not become corrupt with all the power in the world at his finger tips. And of course – anyone with a brain knows that can and will NEVER happen – I mean a person that will not become corrupt with absolute power.
Despite this – THIS person – is what the Jewish people, ISIS, and a lot of other people including the world’s politicians are stupid enough to think will come on the world scene (they all have their own ‘Messiahs and these are not God-men like Jesus Christ – they are men-men). This person for instance is exactly who the Jewish people are expecting – a man – not God in flesh as many Christians including myself thought they were waiting for like us Christians (until I researched the subject) – a man – just a man to perfectly rule the world. It will never happen! (unless this man was really a dictator – hmm sounds familar).
Well good luck. The Bible tells us that when this man comes on the scene and takes the reigns – he will not in fact be the Messiah at all – the person he appears to be – he will be someone altogether very different.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)