It’s happened again, only this time it’s far more barbaric than ever. Probably the worst form of killing that was only equalled by the inquisition in the dark ages for people found carrying a Bible, or found reading or telling others about the Gospel of Christ using one, and yet it feels as if having ditched God as well as The Bible and it’s precepts – the world is now finally reaping what it has sowed.
I am very reticent to write an article that displays and talks about other people’s sufferings like it’s a spectator sport as do sites like Yahoo and all the other online. But this is different – this is not to sell papers or subscriptions to SKY or some other network, this is a matter of life and death for all of us and people need to know what’s coming to their lands if they don’t start reading the world’s ‘Holy Book’s for themselves and see exactly why this is happening and do something about it.
There seems to be a universal blindness that has broken out across the world (just as The Bible predicts will happen in the end-times) whereby people in the last days begin to defend the very thing that unknown to them (“because they love not the truth”) has a target on their head – and they start to call good evil and evil good.
God says that if we do the above He will hand us over to our lusts and iniquities, and in this case He will hand us over to our enemies. Let this be a lesson to all our liberal friends of what they are unleashing by suppressing the truth. Friends, The Bible is never wrong! Why do I say that?.. because I am some militant fanatic who believes in a book written by men?
No! I say that because every word in The Bible that predicts something either in the future or as a consequence of sin happens exactly on time or in the way foretold by this amazing book. This is the proof that we are dealing with God’s book – the fulfilment of hundreds of prophecies, not simply that we say it is God’s book! We Christians of all people are to be pitied more than any other people if we believe cunningly devised fables!
Unlike Christians – who I would argue that through the Bible itself opening up freedom for most of the western world as it pages permeated laws and law courts and minds, are able to read any creed they want in order to ascertain their validity, Muslims on the other hand have no such freedoms and would be killed for doing so. So in that sense they must be excused for they know not what they do. Christians and people who have all the resources at their disposal to find out about any religion they like have no such excuses. This is why the Bible says; judgement will begin at the house of God and rightly so!
If you are unsure that what I say above is true and that there is no other book in history with so much proof for it’s writers being under the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit – then I beg you to start doing your own research on this matter of what may for all of us turn out to be life and death. Start your research here and leave no stone unturned either in favour of not in favour of this book being inspired.
But make a promise before you start to yourself that you will look for nothing but truth, and if the truth turns out to be something you’d prefer it wasn’t – ie that God exists and The Bible is His book – that you will accept His love and grace and repent as we all need to in these new dark ages.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: