
Is This is the MAN we Really Want for US President?

We all know that the Israelites and the Jewish nation are special because God loved them, and not because they were Israelites (the Bible tells us this), and that all nations and people’s have been and are guilty of crimes against man and other nations – every one of us in fact is guilty according to The Bible – but this man is peculiar. He seems to have something wrong with him when it comes to the normal behaviour of politicians. He has a strange hint of genuineness – a hint of truth and honesty about him I have almost never seen in people of his line of business. He seems to speak out of one side of his mouth, but he is a politician after all, someone who’s job consists of weaving words, manoeuvring around difficult people and situations, and often lying by omission – so perhaps I am wrong.

The guy enters the room more like a super-rock star or Rocky Balboa for a quintessential boxing match than a politician. It is clear this man is very very – very special whichever side you take on the matter of the middle east. Watch the video below and be amazed as the audiences’ reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to congress in 2015 on what may turn out to be the most important issue ever faced by mankind – and that is NO exaggeration at all. Their reaction speaks volumes. Clearly it appears there is no longer a need for the US president to be a US citizen (or at least present the required documents to prove it) so why not elect Ben for United States president and have the country run properly.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Full Speech To Congress (March 3, 2015)

If you want to see the huge contrast between this man as a 28 year old (I include myself in this though I am now in my 40’s but was never this mature at such a young age) and the youth and young men of today watch this and also be amazed at this man’s sober and thoughtful address to his audience. I believe this is a good man but you will have to make up your own mind as ever and not take my view or anyone else’s word for it!

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