Unfortunately that’s the wrong question – and of course it’s the question all the politicians, all the news papers, all the news anchors, all the TV channels, all the columnists, all the talk show hosts, all the debates and all the ‘experts’ are asking – as you would expect.
The fact is, it doesn’t matter a jot if it’s good or bad for Britain to be in the European Union financially either now or in the short term future – as long term, it will be terrible for the United Kingdom without question. And how do we know this? Because the question should be;
“Do we want to be run by unelected, socialist, Godless bureaucrats who hate our guts?” (sorry to be blunt but it’s the truth).
Well, now we’ve re-framed the question more along the lines of the type of question that the Bible would be asking on this and similar matters (i.e it’s character that matters most not money), I’ll let the reader decide the answer to that question, that also goes well with this question from the Bible;
“Can a bad tree bear good fruit?”
I wager that the European Union is a bad tree. Stay in for a few perks here and there until they have us in a stranglehold we can never get out of as we might just be able to do if we exit now, and drain us of every ounce of money and resources we have.
Get out NOW before it’s too late
So we are doomed if we are in – we are doomed if we are out? Not quite, as we still have a chance, by having the guts and crucially fearlessness (the Devil always operates through fear and by using bad dependency) to get out now – our last chance – of once again becoming self sufficient and I believe – far more prosperous than we have ever been – though I don’t doubt that by leaving there will be some initial and serious pain as we get back on our own feet and start making things again, and the EU are guaranteed to make things difficult for us as they thrash around like the spoilt child they are, seeing their dreams come to nought (in actual fact the EU will ultimately be absorbed and at least controlled by a much larger monolithic monster according to the Bible, but that’s another article).
Remind me, how does the Bible describe the Devil? Well, I’ll remind you if this particular description in a minute – just to say that I never quite understood this description of him until a few years back, as I have watched socialist European politicians progressively undermine in every way possible but especially financially, all the nations around them, and purposely cause them to become dependent on them for everything.
Let’s face is, you cannot control something or someone that is truly free and independent, and put simply, the Devil wants everyone and everything dependent on him – he always has done (and I don’t mean the kind of good dependence we have in the sense we should dependent on God or God’s people for love and support etc – I’m talking more along the lines of the dependence one has on heroin).
Oh.. before I forget, here is that description of the Devil;
“He who weakens the nations.”
Is it me, or does that is ominously reminiscent of what we see happening in the EU in relationship to all the nations around it? Even if we are worse off out of the EU it simply doesn’t matter – it’s the wrong vine – the wrong tree and it won’t long term bear any good ‘fruit’ for anyone except the wealthy socialist leaders in charge of this godless experiment. In case you think Jesus was a socialist – you might want to read this article.
I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)