I wish he was. No, these people, these ‘negotiators’ are highly educated men and women and know exactly what they are doing. I always laugh when the talking heads on TV debate if these men at the top level really understand what they are dealing with. OK some like John Mccain are ignorant and has not read the manifestos of the enemy – clearly visible from listening to him talk but Obama – John Kerry, Joe Biden – these men know without question the enemies of the free world cannot ever be trusted. Why? – because they know (unlike the general population) that their doctrines of the people they are dealing with tell them it’s ok to lie in order to further their cause (don’t believe this?… then you need to read the scriptures for yourself pronto and get educated on this matter).
But for John Kerry and Obama this has nothing to do with protecting America and everything to do with using the fear of nuclear war around the globe as a tool, a tool for gaining more (eventually all) power, a tool for ushering in the new world order that so many many prominent politicians have talked about openly – in public – on video (google it) since 1990 with their own mouths, as being the next and necessary ‘steps’ to their (foolishly) imagined utopia that we know will never last for more than five minutes (because the heart’s of men are desperately wicked – who can know it says the Bible – spot on as always). Of course this plan – the plan that ungodly men see as the only answer to the worlds problems) has been in place since they put their mandate and goals on the dollar bill for all to see.
In other words – yes the idea of bringing all countries under the government of one army – one monetary system, one amalgamated religion, one set of rules so to speak and one overall leader is well under way – with world leaders and The Pope at the helm sounds absolutely fab, in fact, we can all imagine the hordes of idealistic young people flocking to get behind this new utopian idea that their leaders are putting forth, totally unaware that this same game has happened countless times throughout history – only for the reigns of the power to be grabbed by a tyrant at the last minute and the whole thing turn bad under one evil man – the very reason why God split the nations and languages in Genesis and teaches us that separate nations is the only thing that stops a single man from fulfilling the desire of all powerful men (usually well hidden until it’s too late) for total control – of everything!
But this is just a conspiracy you say – why would men do this? Simple; the same reason men have always tried to do this throughout history in a myriad of ways and succeeded to more or less degrees; they have all been promised a part in it – a place at the table of the single world governing power base – who could resist such power and elitism? – the very thing they tell us out of one side of their mouths they want to eliminate from the world! It’s the same lust to be as Gods as Lucifer suffered from. The same lust that businessmen and leaders, husbands, wives and men and women the world over suffer from that has brought the world to the mess it’s in – the thing that can never be tamed without submission to God – Pride.
Nimrod tried it, Hitler tried it, Stalin tried it, Putin would like to try it and The Bible tells us that eventually one man will eventually succeed as he is handed power by ten foolish world leaders who in turn think they are doing us a favour as a short period of peace ensues, but who being on gravy train and having been made promises of perks by their bosses have been hood-winked by their own lust for power and sent strong delusion by God for not loving truth – ending up incarcerating themselves and us in a prison made by their own hands – a prison ruled by one man that can only be unlocked by Christ.
That – is the reasons nations and borders are good – not because we are promoting some kind of barriers to wealth, equality or being racist. It is nothing of the sort! It is because retaining nations and borders and the only method to stop the evil dictators we have seen throughout history taking full control of the world. That is exactly what the incredible US Constitution was designed to thwart. The thing these power hungry nuts are so eager to dismantle and discredit. The last bastion of the free world – we allow them to do this at our peril. If you think these ‘nice’ people we see are not like the dictators we see in other parts of the word – then you are thinking we are somehow genetically different or more educated – think again. Power corrupts – absolute power corrupts absolutely and it’s a sliding scale. No man can control himself when handed such power no matter how strong willed and just he thinks he is.
So we are told by the politicians; “If Iran cheats the world will know it.” Let me add; yes, when we see the mushroom cloud we will. Man – how stupid can people be. But of course as we’ve already discussed, none of these politicians at this level are stupid and so then we must ask the question; why is Obama striking this ‘nuke deal’ at all – when by doing so he is actually giving them the green light to continue. I mean, no one is foolish enough to think they are actually going to stop – that after signing a bit of paper they are not going to continue to develop the bomb?
I never said Israel are good – or bad – in fact The Bible clearly tells us they have often been very very bad and that God was just as harsh (if not more – judgement begins at the house of God says The Bible) in chastising his own people as with others, but they are the people God chose to demonstrate His power through – through their many many many imperfections – and I’m not like a fool going to argue with God.
So, let me answer that question as to the real reason behind giving Iran and all the other nations green lights for you from the Bible. The Bible clearly tells us;
“All nations will come against Israel.”

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)