In short – it would appear so yep. The problem is – the scientists – especially ones that do not want to be accountable to a holy God MUST somehow make the Genesis account of literal days – or even thousands of years wrong from the outset and then fit their science to that in that order – thus breaking their own rules about not assuming anything – and being open to any possibility – even a supernatural explanation as to the obvious fact of why man will never be able to enter or break into and decode the quantum or as I call it – the world of the gods – or in reality – the world of GOD.
To do anything else would a) mean that the possibility of God exists, and more importantly b) they would then necessarily be accountable to Him – and this simply cannot be. And so in this one area of creation and/or cosmic beginnings they break all the rules of science in order to make their wishes fit the science and they do this by making the assumption at the outset of millions of years being necessary for one species or kind to develop into another (clearly not enough for anything to develop one step at a time let alone billions).
I remember as an 8-9 year old child hearing the theory of evolution and being immediately aware that the ideas of species transitioning was nothing clever – simply the only possible explanation one could come up with if you negate the Genesis account -things MUST go from one to another – and yet I could see there were no examples. I was baffled that my teachers taught us this as if there was nothing questionable about it – rather like the atheists accuse Christians when it comes to God creating man fully formed – something that looking at the evidence – or lack of seems far more reasonable.
So having heard their assumption about animal transitioning – and being confused as to how their theory makes any sense if we still have apes that look exactly as they did millions years ago – ie why do we have only some things living side by side morphed into other species and not others? Something is wrong. And then of course it was obvious to any child there are NO (don’t tell me a couple of fossils is ‘evidence’ when there should be 1000’s) examples of mid-stage transitions when there should if the theory of evolution is true be 100.s – 1000’s – millions of live examples of fish with half-legs – bats with half-gills – you know what I mean – it’s childish as we only have fully formed species animals and people.
Anyhow – enough of me – I’m no scientist as I have already probably demonstrated – Let’s see a great exposition of why the science is not science at all but assumption.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: