Perhaps. But listen – we know who the richest people on the planet are right?.. that ancient and despised people that are always getting hammered for their fortune by jealous people and nations who no doubt claim it is illegitimately gained – whilst forgetting that banking was the only thing they were allowed to do – what do you expect?
Now just how did this people really become so wealthy? Sure they charge interest on things to outsiders and many people have a beef with this (called usury when done just for profit and no other reason) – but wasn’t this another safeguard prescribed by God so that they would not be taken over by their angry folks around them? I mean if you are not wealthy and your neighbors are (ie could afford to defend yourself) they would wipe you out faster than you can blink in those days (not much has changed!).
Well – it wasn’t just done by charging interest and trading with foreigners. It was done by keeping as many trades and wealth generating investments – in house. What I mean is – dad would fix the car and pay his son in law. Sister would buy groceries and sell them cheap to Auntie and Uncle would fix the electrics for niece or nephew. Then they would all club together to make sure son no.1 got a house to live in with his wife. Then. This has the effect of making the family collectively wealthier than their irreligious neighbors who don’t understand this biblical prescription for wealth.
Why? Because the neighbors (and Westerners in general) often do the opposite – always competing with our brothers and sisters to see who can be the most independent and look the greatest – and not taking pains to ensure they never fall out and to be generous to one another – as family is lifeline – a blessing from God.
So now why can’t countries do all their trade and production and services in-house? We are always being told we must trade with other nations to be wealthy. Really? Send chickens halfway round the world to be packaged in China only to be sent back and sold in your own country? Give me a break!
The nation is like a family and should look after it’s own first – then and only then is it able to look after it’s neighbors (all family mothers and fathers know this instinctively) – ie the ones over the fence and then the struggling nations on other land masses. And another thing – immigration – no family lets all the people in the street eat day in and day out at its own table – it would go bankrupt very soon. But we are told the lie – keeping our house in order, and having guests only enter through the front door at certain times invited to keep order and preserve wealth for all – is racist. The truth is it’s the only way we we can function for any length of time without chaos ensuing (of course there are many who believe Christian West (some extent understandably) needs to be brought down a peg or two and this is the best way to do it). But remember who blesses a nation – God – according to the people’s adherence to him – not the politicians. It’s the reason ALL wealthy politicians put walls around their many properties – to keep order.
But of course the reason this foreign trade is always outed as the only answer to prosperity is the same one as always; someone is getting paid a lot of money to send those chickens around the world while the home nation and it’s inhabitants wealth is diluted and it unwittingly buys the nonsense and gets poorer and poorer.
So trade with nations by all means – nothing bad about that – it can surely help if done properly, but if you really want to be a wealthy family and nation – quit squabbling with your siblings and opposition parties and do what the Jews (and some other cultures like Italians) do – work together and help each other out in a Godly generous manner with faith in Him – the thing that made America great in the first place (not clever politicians). Then stop striving to be seen to be better than everyone else and just be the best and help everyone else up the ladder too. Then last – be generous and help your family and neighbors and if possible neigbouring counties. That way everyone benefits.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: