Parrots: Bill Clinton proving Obama’s speech is simply history repeating itself. N.Korea now has nukes.
We were promised North Korea, a country run by trigger-happy and dangerous dictators would not get Nukes. They now have them. Obama just promised us the same thing with Iran – a country with a far more dangerous ideology than North Korea. Could there be such a thing? Yes. Bill Still, widely respected for producing the best award winning documentary on the real and amazing history of money and banks and the methods used by banks to keep us all (and even countries and governments) in debt, feels the Iran nuclear deal is a bad one, more than any kind of deal that will ensue world peace in the long term.
Watch Bill’s report and do your own research on Iran and we recommend you learn about Islam for yourself and decide for yourself if Barak Obama – the man that has stated categorically that; “The United States is no longer a Christian nation” was wise to do the Iran nuclear deal, or just helping as many suggest to break down the United States – the country set up by founding fathers whom managed to escaped Europe’s oppressive religious and political systems and set up the world’s only really free country and despite her faults (since when does God only bless perfect people or nations but those people and nations that despite their faults are facing him and set their laws up according to His ten commandments?) blessed accordingly to become the greatest nation the world has ever seen in 200 years- a Bible-based country where the state could no longer meddle in the church and Christians were free from governmental oppression (many believe wrongly it is the other way round) – a country where all are free to be anything they want; Christian, Buddhist, Atheist or any other religion without being forced (the penalty in the Middle East for being any of these is often capital punishment) – a country built on the foundation of freedom and for all her faults, the world’s last remaining truly bastion and refuge of freedom that countless immigrants flee to every day to escape tyrannical leaders and regimes.
This is not about fairness but survival
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that this is about fairness, in other words, the rest of the world has nukes so why not Iran? Remember that every other country that has nuclear weapons has no desire to use them at all – knowing the destruction and pollution they will cause to others and themselves. Iran has a completely different religious ideology regarding the use of these weapons and what they can be used to bring about which we need to learn about to understand why this situation (which it sometimes appears only Israel fully understand) is so dangerous.
‘Snap’ inspections: surely a joke?
The so-called ‘snap inspections’ give Iran 24 days to hide any evidence of creating nuclear weapons. This really would be laughable if it wasn’t such a serious matter.
So what’s is this ‘deal’ really about?
I fear that this deal is more about the rest of the world’s dislike for God, political manoeuvring and manipulation and a desire to neuter Israel more than anything else – Israel again a country with many many faults as the Bible is not shy to record for us but one that nevertheless sends it’s enemies free water, electricity, medical supplies, gave it’s opponents full control of territory it had and still has full legal control of in order to keep peace despite now being barred from entering that place (Temple Mount), cares for their wounded and allows them to live freely among it’s people without oppression or coercion to believe in any particular faith. How many opponents have ever been known to do that? None I would wager.
Do your own research
As always, don’t take our word or opinions (or anyone else’s for that matter) as correct as we/they could be wrong. As the Bible commands, be Bereans. Study to find out and decide for yourself exactly what is the truth here. Learn about Islam, Sharia and listen to both sides of the argument.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: