What are you talking about? I thought we had our freedoms back? You’re kidding right? – I’m afraid the globalisation fun has only just begun. If you weren’t aware – we’ll soon all need a license to use the Internet. No one’s told me this – it’s just obvious. I wager it’s been on the cards nearly as long as the plans for global digital ID – which had been in the minds of globalists and tech giants for some 50+ years at least when credit cards and bar codes appeared in the mid 60’s and and early 1970’s – probably way father back than the war when you realise the roles that companies like IBM played. Oh.. you didn’t know they played a role? Oh yea – look it up – while it’s still online that is – because it will soon be scrubbed – like the inventor of the MRNA technology has just been scrubbed from Winkipeida page when he dared to question the you know what. Luckily many folks screen-shotted it before and after 🙂
But why Internet licenses to get online? Same reason we will licences for everything else – to travel – oh – and of course to run a church, just like in China – to stop money laundering, political corruption (haha) and the spread of ‘false’ information. Ahem – well – at least to stop information that could thwart globalisation and the plan to build Utopia (like that’s even possible when it by necessity it requires total vice-like control of every thing thing on the planet – ie no freedom at all – but then they don’t really want to build Utopia do they? – just something that has the appearance thereof and we lemmings are all lulled into its great mouth. The gaping jaws of globalism reminds me of the Venus Fly-trap, with us – like little flies dancing around its’ edges unaware we are about to be swallowed whole and never heard of again.
Grab copies of everything you need NOW – before it’s removed from the Internet
Many big tech CEOs and politicians secretly (ie they’d never mention this to the masses) admire the Chinese form of government and it’s ‘booming’ (ahem) economy created with stolen wealth and technology and by paying it’s workers a pittance and doing it all with an iron fist top-down grip on every breath it’s citizens take and the capitalist mash-up that the CCP have created has been the envy of Western wanna-be despots for decades. Imagine it – being in power with no one to challenge you – EVER! Pavlov’s politicians are literally salivating at the idea that they might be the ones that see the ancient dream to reverse God’s curse on evil and the rebuilding of Babel happen, with them all promised a place at the table of power. I wince at what may happen when I think about the folly that these arrogant unbelievers exhibit.
Sites like this must be neutered
Of course we are not quite there – though everything is in place – several bits of the jigsaw have to be connected before that can happen and our leaders can celebrate their foolish goal as realised – the lack of wisdom amongst these super-high IQ individuals is truly breathtaking. But then that is the nature of being blind – you don’t know what you can’t see. But what is really holding back their plans? Same as it always was; God-loving people.
Real church must be neutered
So to finish their globalisation project there are two main things have to happen; first you cannot have church – at least not a real one – there is NOTHING any despot can do to gain power when God-loving citizens know their Bible, their god-given rights (right are not given by any government – but i could do with something to laugh about – only this is not very funny) and what is not OK for a government to do. Second – every despot that has ever taken freedom away from its’ people could not do it without disarming its’ citizens first.
So those two things – and a handful of others must be done before the complete take over can happen. Brace yourselves Christians – time to get your houses in order. The test of to what, and to whom ur allegiance lies – as foretold in Revelations is coming soon to a town near you.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)