Have you watched presidential debates recently? It’s a joke (it has been for a long time). But now it’s got ridiculous. There is a particular type of horrible, smug, arrogant, godless presenter that thinks they are clever by using their quick ‘wit’ and hair-brained’ and frankly devious questions to trap and ensnare their subjects on irrelevant and silly points and thereby snag the whole debate – and ultimately snag the proper running of the country. I personally can’t think of anything worse than being in the media and having to deal with these people.
Why would any young person want to get into media and TV these days when they see these moron presenters? Well perhaps there are some out there that want to make the world a better place, but for most looking at this lot, it’s clearly the green stuff and fame – who can ask the stupidest question and get the most followers or tweets. On that note, Twitter has to be the most apt. name ever invented for something that allows twits from all over the planet to say stupid things to each other and get rated for it. “Men are more stupid than birds” the Bible says – it’s not wrong when you look at Twitter!
Back to the issue. Look – 90% of the candidates are not particularly moral people. They are largely ego driven, prone to succumb to bribes and not particularly honest when push comes to shove or getting into office is concerned – get over it. Yes their private life is important, I am not one that thinks all private matters should be kept private for such high profile people since it is often a warning signal that bad behaviour may be carried into their professional life, but with people who are not God-fearing to start with, it is to be expected to some degree and therefore not the best thing to focus all ones attention on, or you get nowhere and just create a mud slinging match – great for TV – terrible for governing the country. There is a time and a place for addressing and interviewing candidates on personal stuff – NOT on this type of presidential debate.
We need to find out – out of these often shady characters – who has the best brains and most wisdom and yes morality, and who is most likely to take a country forward. Not focus just on the dirt for the sake of making good entertainment and TV ratings and salaries higher. Otherwise these anchors and TV networks who think they are being clever are ultimately just creating a more confused world for themselves. Not only that – by asking questions purely designed to stir up dirt, THEY are making themselves worse than the people they are interviewing.
Probably most of these TV people being non-believers see this as of no consequence and think themselves as above God, since they are all highly paid and very comfortable thank-you-very-much and have no fear and reverence for him. This would explain their often stupid questions. But God sees all, and all will be held – rightly so – accountable for the words and deeds done in the body – including their misleading and diversional questions designed to manipulate the public into voting for their preferred candidates.
The man that put together the following video and inspired my short article – Bill Still – a Christian and for once a trustworthy commentator and financial analyst breaks it down very nicely in the video below.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)