It’s no good – I can’t wait any more to say something about this. Yes – I hate (well not really hate – just get annoyed) folks that feel they have to comment on everything. Trouble is I have certainly been one of those and still am when it suits me – so I must be forgiving. Anyway t0 the point – I’ve just been on that super website called YouTube and an ad/video popped up by ‘Noom‘ – yet another company wishing to cash in on the dreadful and all too common epidemic of over-eating, and wait – I apply this to me more than anyone! That incidentally is how I came across this simple simple method to lose weight that ALWAYS works.
I will confess of the bat that when I am miserable – and that’s fairly often with my line of work (it’s very draining sitting behind a PC 24-7 and quite un-rewarding a lot of the time – but super-rewarding when what I do helps someone) my refuge is the re-fridge! A few trips to the kitchen can sustain me for another onslaught of work for a few hours and before I know it – I’m fat! My mother in fact frequently asks me – “when is it due?” (the baby:)
The truth is it’s not really funny – and I’m very blessed in the sense that I’m not someone who is pre-disposed to weight gain (I actually believe there are very few such people – yeah I said it – you only have to watch a Pathe video from the 1950’s to see that once – everyone in Britain was skinny – yes everyone – why? Well this may come as a surprise but in the 1950’s after the war there was hardly any food! Now on the other hand – we have more food that we can fit into our houses – let alone our stomachs – and more choices and more flavours than I can compute – even pets have more choice that humans did in 1950! It’s no wonder people struggle – and I’m the worst!
That’s why I can no longer stomach these ‘weight-loss’ programs sucking in people with a problem that can be easily helped (obviously there will be exceptions but read on as I’m not messing about). I want to tell you the REAL way to lose weight – EASILY and crucially – WITHOUT BEING SUCKERED IN BY THESE WEIGHT-LOSS AND SNAKE-OIL COMPANIES!
Don’t try to lose weight drinking milkshakes – that’s rubbish! As soon as you stop you’ll be back where you started – why? Because it’s about eating LESS – habitually
What really sparked me writing this weight-loss article was when the advertiser said; “we’ll give you all the scientific knowledge regarding weight-loss and calories and this and that as understandable info bites…” – all completely unnecessary to know. Their hook was the usual – “you can eat what you want.” Of course you can – because they know the truth – that weight loss really comes down to eating LESS habitually – not worrying about he calories of this chocolate bar or that lettuce!
Unfortunately they don’t tell you, you don’t need them to help you, and proceed to sell you their ‘special knowledge pack and service‘ – like priests it’s something only they can give you or it’s gonna help you long term – “there is only one mediator between you and your stomach – us!” Sorry to be so blunt but thats tosh! Sure doctors and ‘therapists’ always want to diagnose people with this and that as they are paid based on their diagnosis and subsequent treatment and pills and potions and – milkshakes!
Sorry – but I must get on with some work – I will come back and tell you the way to do this very soon… and it’s mind-blowingly simple AND actually DOABLE (honest!) Back soon…
OK – where was I?.. yes – first: we must understand – yes crips, coke and sugar in high amounts can make us fat – but the real ‘fattner’ is carbs and too much food generally which tada… makes our appetite grow out of proportion – not just our weight! I’m talking the high-carbs in flour in biscuits – bread – potato – THESE are the killer and how people really can lose weight. It’s OUR APPETITE WE HAVE TO WORK ON REDUCING – weigh-loss will follow naturally!
Second: you DO NOT NEED TO CALORY COUNT ANYTHING: Why not? because if you change the amount you eat habitually – regardless of it’s calorific intake – you will A) shrink your appetite (a bloated stomach wants more food than before). B) lose weight with knowing it’s happening regardless of the calorie count C) alter your palette to more healthy things (less sugary and salty). BUT HOW CAN I DO IT HABITUALLY – SURELY I NEED TO KNOW ALL THE SCIENTIFIC NUMBERS?!!! Nope! Here’s what you do – my tried and tested way to lose weight – for sure and fast.
Here’s how you lose weight fast WITHOUT the gym – or any hair-brained scientific calorific knowledge
Watch out – this is SOOOOO simple you will fall of your chair and see the pounds falling too* (*only if you stick to this routine to reduce your appetite).
- STEP 1: throw away all your weight-watchers (and other daft weigh-loss programs and prepare to lose weight the proper way (by reducing your appetite slowly and healthily) and tell your friends you are going to lose weight properly and stop worrying about calories.
- STEP 2: in your mind you commit to sticking to 3 meals a day and my plan below (or this weight-loss deal is off;)
- STEP 3: put your favourite (normal-sized) plate in front of you – the size is not important – however you MUST stick with this plate or again the deal is off!
- STEP 4: put all the lovely food you NORMALLY would put on your plate for this particular (1 of 3) meal.
- STEP 5: stand back and take a good look at the amount (general volume) of food you have the plate and take a snap on your smart-phone (you will need this for the same meal next day).
- STEP 6: get yourself a nice glass of water or cordial or better diluted (50/50) fruit-juice to have with your meal. YOU MUST drink this periodically with meal – an old trick to make you feel fuller by the end but not the key – just a helper.
- STEP 7 – CRUCIAL KEY STEP: take a small side-plate and remove a LITTLE from your plate. Make sure it’s so little that you will NOT miss eating it eg. if you have 4 small potatoes – have 3 or 3.5. If you have 2 slices of bread – have 1/2. Yes these small reductions absolutely crucial. Don’t worry about too much carrots / peas or things containing few carbs but it’s good to take a couple off to reduce VOLUME intake (we are shrinking your appetite remember). This daily REMOVING of a very small amount is what is going to start your body wanting less food – AND YOU WON’T EVEN NOTICE!
- STEP 9: congratulate yourself on how well you did and how you are finally going to lose weight naturally!
- The next day DO NOT FURTHER reduce the amount (yet) – simply repeat the above every meal religiously for 1 week (ie starting with your NORMAL amount and then reducing it very slightly on a side plate (so you are having the same slightly lesser portions every day for 1 week). If you think this little amount will have no effect – think again! This is a DOUBLE-EDGED attack on weigh-gain – eating less and altering your palette for more healthy food.
- Week two – did you notice how you didn’t miss a mouthful yet have lost a little weight? Good! Now put out the reduced amount from last week (using your camera photos) and reduce it very slightly further and repeat the whole painless process again. The only thing you might have trouble with is being rigorous about this process – reducing your portion sizes each week for 1 month.
Another trick to help your body re-calibrate what it wants
Along side this – here is another thing to trick your body into wanting less of the bad stuff like sugar and chocolate. Apart from NEVER going food shopping when you are hungry – if that is you STOP and wait till you have your meal! Then – just as you are going to remove a small amount from your plate each day (after you have put your normal amount on your plate) – you are going to put all the things you normally put in your cart – THEN remove A FEW ITEMS (an mount you won’t miss) from your trolley EVERY time you shop. This too will begin to recondition your body to the point where you will no longer crave so much sugar and junk – an easy habit to fall into – I know!
OK – promise you will remove a little food from your plate EVERY DAY and a LITTLE of the bad stuff from your trolley every time you shop and you will start to see a change. NOTE: obviously if you cheat and have start having 4 meals instead of 3 then I cannot help you.
1 more thing…
Fast (solids only – drink loads) for 1-2 days 3 times a month – this has an AMAZING effect – once you have passed the pain barrier (usually the first 2 days) you find a strange thing happens – your appetite suddenly decreases. An added bonus is that you live longer if you make fasting habitual. Some of the longest living ethic groups on the planet are those who’s lifestyle involves fasting and eating relatively little food. Over-eating actually wears out your body as the cells are constantly working to process food. And guess what – it’s prescribed biblically definitely for spiritual (there is no doubt that purposely putting your body in a state of need when we are perpetually without physical discomfort (in the West) is perfect and necessary ‘soil’ for communing with God and producing holiness – and health benefits too?!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: