Let’s face it… the Bible is a large book and whilst some Christians do know it’s contents inside out, in reality, not that many of us Christians have really read it cover to cover and know it well – let’s be honest about that. And the reason is simple – it’s quite a hard read in many places.
The problem is this means we are open to and more ready to hear and believe other people’s interpretations because we simply tell ourselves we don’t have time. Now in my life what this has meant is that I have swallowed all kinds of nonsense from prosperity teachers and people who want to grow their church with smooth words, more than they want to preach the real and unadulterated (un-corrupted) word and laws of God. But there is help at hand and I want to tell you a great way to avoid falling for false and wrong doctrines.
Download the King James audio Bible (not NIV unless you want to end up confused as this version contradicts itself all over the place and will weaken your faith over time because of this!) to your phone or mobile device! Incredibly this amazingly accurate version of the earliest surviving texts is available free all over the Internet. NOTE: whilst some Bible translations can sometimes be easier for new Christians to get the basic grasp on the basic gospel message, many of the details are often missed or not well translated (see below for explanation of this). Accordingly, the method I am suggesting to help you avoid being duped by false teachers will not work with any other Bible translation – why so? Read on…
Why the King James Bible version?
It’s down the way it was translated – not by whom it was translated. Leaving aside for a minute that fact that all kings and rulers seek unity their subjects in order to stabilise and hold on to their their power, and despite Jesus clearly telling us he himself came not to bring peace, but a sword and effectively division between sheep and goats, it is because of the way in which the King James Bible was translated at the decree of the king that I suggest you use this version.
All the 50-60-odd translators, a few of which even had differing opinions on the interpretations of some scriptures and how it ought to be presented, in a stroke of genius by the king, him probably knowing the scripture that says; “that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation” the king forced all the translators to be accountable to one another and more importantly in terms of getting the truth out of the scriptures, accountable to each other in front of the king!.. and come to an open consensus as to the real and most accurate meanings of the texts – thus eliminating personal agendas!
Also this is the one Bible translation that has not been translated for a quick buck and financial profit $$$ – ie commissioned to be translated by a publisher to sell – and in order to sell a new Bible translation you need to obtain a copyright. To obtain that – one needs to ‘significantly alter the text’. Enough said – except to say that for many years all I read was the NIV and I could not understand why I kept reading things that either didn’t make sense, or seemed to conflict with other passages and my faith was weak – until one day I stopped reading the NIV and reluctantly read the King James, and everything was suddenly consistent, and every account and doctrine it contained, agreed with every other contained in it.
Start listening specifically to the Gospels one after the other over and over in your spare time and when you go to work and prepared to be amazed at all the things you never knew were in The Bible or missed when you read it.
Why this is amazing and will protect you…
Here’s what happens when you listen to the Bible text over and over with an open heart to hearing the truth – no matter how much it goes against your lifestyle. Whilst you may not be yet memorising the words or Bible text verbatim or word for word, your brain is so amazing that after hearing the passages only a few times an amazing thing starts to happen.
Free immunisation against men’s traditions and agendas!
When you hear the text a) quoted wrongly or b) some doctrine explained wrongly c) out of context d) in the wrong order – although you may not to begin with, be able to put your finger on the exact issue with what you have heard, however – a red flag will most definitely appear in your mind! Whilst you may not know the problem yet – you will know something is wrong.
This can be a life saver, as now all you need to do is go and check the particular scripture in the various places yourself (and before I forget to say, ALWAYS READ THE PASSAGES BEFORE AND AFTER THE TEXT IN QUESTION TO GET THE PROPER CONTEXT) and along with the holy Spirit – that promises to teach you all things – you will see any errors clearly! (note: the same doctrine appearing more than once in The Bible are is referred to as multiple ‘witnesses’, as most doctrines miraculously appear in more than one place, and are self explanatory when read in context together to make understanding God’s ways simpler)

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)